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1100 Playwright Interviews

1100 Playwright Interviews A Sean Abley Rob Ackerman E.E. Adams Johnna Adams Liz Duffy Adams Tony Adams David Adjmi Keith Josef Adkins Nicc...

Mar 26, 2005

public vs. private

Is it worthwhile to document a process or will the documenting and the examining destroy the process? I'm thinking of posting the notes I write when I'm building a new play. Is this interesting or valuable? Will it make me a boor? Does anyone even really care? Do I even care? Perhaps if I did this I would learn something about what I'm doing or perhaps it would stop me in my tracks and make me unable to continue. Also by actually typing up scribbling, I'm making the scribbling permanent and therefore making it harder to change it. So maybe I won't do it. Also I'm not sure the actual process has much to do with what I write down. I think it's more what I don't write down. What stays in there and reappears and reappears is maybe more interesting. Because what I write down is partially just details I think I'll forget and not the meat of the thing, whatever that is.

Mar 24, 2005

Start of www.adamszymkowicz.com

What's that? You're a theatre looking for a good play? Or you're a film company looking for a good feature? And instead of going through a pile of submissions you're online randomly surfing? Why not surf over to www.adamszymkowicz.com and while you're at it, why not send me a big bucket of money.