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1100 Playwright Interviews

1100 Playwright Interviews A Sean Abley Rob Ackerman E.E. Adams Johnna Adams Liz Duffy Adams Tony Adams David Adjmi Keith Josef Adkins Nicc...

Feb 26, 2008


I discovered saturday I am very allergic to aspirin which means I am also probably allergic to all these things. If you recall the doctor already told me I'm allergic to all these things: clams, corn, soybeans, wheat, peanuts, walnuts, scallops, shrimp, codfish, eggwhites, and milk. I already knew I was allergic to chicken and turkey. So what am I eating? good question. I'll have to go back to the allergist soon and it also might be helpful to find a dietician. I finished the first act of my tv spec and hope to finish it this weekend.