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Oct 16, 2009

I Interview Playwrights Part 75: Kristen Palmer

Kristen Palmer

Hometown:  Born in St. Louis, Missouri, but grew up in Stafford County, Virginia

Current Town:  Atlanta, temporarily.

Q:  What are you working on now?

A:  A play about a family coping with a death - lots of steady, daily drinking, sudden accusations, and grasping for something under the surface to be revealed.  There are no bells or whistles really, just writing these characters during three slices of time.  It's set in the Tidewater region of Virginia, on the James River at a home I visited once.

And revising THE HEART IN YOUR CHEST, which has been a major project over the past year.  It’s a play set in a dystopian near future, populated by characters operating under one set of assumptions which is undone by their own desires and the actions of the least obviously powerful among them.  There’s a lot of action, there are fights and I’m in love with the characters.  I’ve been able to collaborate with the same director, Paul Willis, and had some excellent ensembles come together for workshops in NYC, Independence, KS and LA.  Still doing some tinkering and looking for a more in depth, on-the feet type of workshop – or for somebody to get behind it and go for it.  Which I think would be an excellent idea.

Q:  What do you think is the thread that links your plays?  What do you write about? 

A:  I've written seven full-lengths and they each feel very different to me, in subject and construction.  A few readers have said that if my name weren't on the cover they wouldn't know it was the same writer.  If I were to pull out some threads though  -  a sense of loss and longing, the way language is used obliquely - communicating as much as it covers up, and funny in a way where there aren't really any jokes.

My starting point for most plays are places, people or moments that resonate with me and I think the motor that drives me is the desire to talk back to the world.  I am a person that gets overwhelmed by reading the newspaper, wants to call up our leaders and talk to them - ask them what they are thinking - why are they doing what they're doing. -- and I want an actual human response, canned PR speak doesn’t help anyone but the salesman.  Writing plays is one of the ways I do something with this impulse and avoid getting overwhelmed by the world.  Teaching is another.
Q:  How was your Jerome year last year?

A:  It was amazing to be able to put writing first, to say for these 12 months my job is to write plays and be a playwright.  In the year before the Jerome I was teaching full-time in Brooklyn, I'd had my first four productions - two in NYC  - and was planning a wedding (with you) it was kind of a full year.  Then moving to Minneapolis, was a huge change of pace - a very welcome one.  (It is true that if you get enough sleep you don't really get sick).  The Playwrights' Center there is a great place and it was dreamy to have a home for a year - especially one with a photocopier and postage machine.  Plus there are lots of other playwrights based in Minneapolis - and on the Jerome year too - so it’s like an instant community.

For me the job of 'being a playwright' included working as a dramaturg, teaching writing workshops with young people, reading many, many plays and being able to travel for workshops and readings - as well as writing.  I did find that my writing output did not increase substantially with the amount of time I had available.  In my imagination I would write non-stop, all day, late into the night, but in reality I still wrote about the same amount - though I was able to put a lot more time into revisions and applications.

I also discovered that I like the extreme winter there.  It's beautiful.  Oh, and I landed a job waitressing at Nye's Polanaise Room.  If you’re ever in the Twin Cities and have occasion for a boozy lunch, desire a piano bar or a polka lounge – I highly recommend Nye’s - and sit at the bar that Phil has worked at since 1968.
Q:  Can you talk about being a teaching artist and how you use theater to teach?

A:  That is where I started from undergrad - devising programs to teach through drama - structuring workshops using theater games, opportunities for creating and performing, and reflecting on the experience.  The goals for workshops can vary from the general ones like collaboration and communication, to literacy, to issues such as safe sex, bullying, prejudice  - the basic idea is to engage participants with their bodies and hearts and the process is the point - not the product.  Everywhere I have lived I have found opportunities to teach this way, either in schools, with theaters or arts agencies - or making my own programs.  I did my undergrad in England where there is an established field of this type of work.  When I moved back to the states it was less obvious where or how to do this, but mostly people just used different terminology.

Basically teaching, to me, is about creating an experience and connecting with students.  Being open to the moment, working with what's in front of you and keeping people's interest are all qualities that theater demands and are the qualities that I find most important in teaching.  Supporting people to express their experience of the world and to engage with and understand the experience of others should be a goal of education - whatever the subject - and theatre as a medium offers a myriad of ways to act, reflect, question and challenge.

Q:  You're married to me.  How's that going?

A:  Very well. You are wonderful person to be married with.

Q:  Tell me a story from your childhood that explains who you are as a person or as a writer.

A:  When I was in middle school I organized a haunted house with kids on my street.  You’d go in and be told the story of a girl whose mother was burned as a witch, who was plagued by visions, tormented by the townspeople and eventually hung herself.  I think I was the tour guide, my brother was bobbing for apples in blood, there were real cow brains (the idea that spaghetti would represent cow brains escaped me), heads were strung from the clothesline, we hung a life sized stuffed doll as the girl – and as the finale this older girl from another neighborhood wearing a long white dress came out of nowhere on roller skates wailing for revenge and chasing everyone screaming out of the garage.  Then we’d give them candy.

At some point parents demanded that we be shut down for terrorizing children and we were forbidden from ever making a haunted house again.  Something about the recklessness and enterprise of all the kids involved in putting it together coupled with the explosion of response when it was unveiled really got to me.

Q:  What kind of theater excites you?

A:  I love theatre that feels rough around the edges, virtuosic  - and that over-used word – authentic in some way.  I love plays that feature ensembles of actors and create worlds that you can witness, or step into.  I am excited when a production allows the audience in – is porous and open to interpretation and a variety of responses.  I love writing that plays with language and theatre that embraces the complexities and unknowability of human experience. 

Q:  What advice do you have for playwrights just starting out?

A:  Follow your obsessions.  When you’re tired, rest your head.   Go see things and talk with people and when you see things and talk with people that you like or can’t get out of your head keep seeing their work and talking to them and work with them.  Love is really important. 
Q:  any plugs?

A:  I am reading plays and writing about them here:  www.playswithothers.blogspot.com  My goal is to make this a daily thing and use it as a way to talk about writing plays now.

and sometimes I post poems here:  quarantinedpoesy.blogspot.com  I used to do this daily, now it is far more occasional.

And go see CREATURE in NYC opens in late October and runs through November.  Written by the effervesent Heidi Schreck and produced by two great companies - New Georges & P73.

Oct 15, 2009

I Interview Playwrights Part 74: Patrick Gabridge

Patrick Gabridge

Hometown:  I've moved a lot.

Current Town:  Brookline, MA (Boston)

Q:  What are you working on now?

A:  I'm feverishly working on rewrites of Constant State of Panic, a new full-length play that will be produced by the Madcap Players in DC in January. I was just out there for a weekend-long workshop that was tremendously helpful. I'm always trying to explore different models to develop new plays, and the Madcap weekend was especially well run and thoughtful.

As soon as the rewrites are done, I'm hoping to start on a new novel, a young adult historical piece (set in the Civil War) (it does not have any vampires or werewolves). Plus, I'm part of a playwrights group, Rhombus, that meets every two weeks and we're required to bring in material to every session. So if I want to keep playing with my pals, I need to write a new play. I'm stumbling my way into a new full-length play--I'm curious to see what happens with it.

Q:  If I came to Boston tomorrow, what theater companies or shows would you suggest I check out?

A:  Boston Playwrights Theatre is one of the hotspots for exciting new work. I'm off to see a new play by Ronan Noone tomorrow night, Little Black Dress. The American Repertory Theatre is working with with Punchdrunk, a British company, on this odd site-specific treatment of Macbeth in an old school near my house. I'm pretty excited about that one--I think it's the first time they've worked in the U.S.

Company One is a young company that does some interesting new plays. And the Beau Jest company does some amazing physical theatre work that knocks me over. There's a lot happening in Boston.

Q:  Can you tell me about the playwright binge and how it came about?

A:  I'm always looking for ways to make the chore of marketing more fun (and easier) (which is why I started Market InSight for Playwrights back in the early 90s). So, I'd heard about a whole town that went on a diet together, and it worked, because there was a whole social, community aspect to it. So I thought, what if we sort of did the opposite? Rather than diet, we'll binge on sending out our plays--a play a day for 30 days. So I e-mailed playwrights that I knew on a bunch of lists and asked if they wanted to join. I think for the first one, we maybe had a dozen writers. Word got out that it was a helpful thing and more people joined. And everyone was incredibly generous about sharing information. Then an article or two got written about it, and membership jumped. As of today, we have 520 members from around the world, and we binge twice a year (and there's an associated "purge" group that writes every day for 30 days). The cool thing is that it's turned into this very active, very supportive year-round online community.

Q:  Is writing a novel anything like writing a play?

A:  Not really, though I did make a conscious effort when I started writing novels to use some of my playwriting strengths--so my first two novels (I've written three) were first person stories, so I could look at them like extended monologues. But the development of a play is so different from a novel. A novel is much, much longer. There are just so many damn words to write--my latest adult novel runs around 84,000 words. That's the equivalent of about 3-4 full-length plays. So they take a lot longer to write, which makes it even more important to have a certain level of discipline when it comes plugging away at a first draft.

For a play, the development process is so much more external and social. I do have a writer's group where I bring my fiction, but other than that I'll just have a couple other readers. For a play, getting it down on paper is just the start. I'm constantly working on material with actors in Rhombus, and then in readings, and then in production there will be more changes, and even in subsequent productions. The upside is that you keep getting chances to fix problems in a script, the downside is that the blasted thing is never done. When I have a novel published, and someone comes up to me and says, "Oh, that part didn't work for me, I wish they'd done so and so," well, I can smile and nod and think, "Oh, well." and not worry about it. But with a play, I might think, "Oh, crap, maybe I should go back and fix that."

Q:  You recently got rid of your car. How are you adjusting to life without a motorized vehicle?

A:  It's been fun. We live in the city, so we have the subway, buses, and Zipcar, which is great. We ride our bikes a lot--my kids are old enough now (9 and 14) to ride most places. We figured if we couldn't do it here, we could never do it. It gets us lots of exercise and saves us a bunch of money. What's not to like? (See how I feel at the end of the winter.)

Q:  What kind of theater excites you?

A:  I like plays that don't make me fall asleep. Seriously. That's my basic criteria (and I fall asleep easily). I like plays where stuff happens on stage--it can be physical, psychological, internal/external, I don't care, but I don't want to just listen to a long conversation. I want to see or experience something interesting.

I'm involved in leading some workshops here for StageSource called Playwriting in 3D--basically panel discussions with designers, to engage them with writers in an extended conversation about how we can make our plays more fully theatrical. The last one we did was with two lighting and two sound designers. Next up is an afternoon with costume and set designers. Soon, I hope to have one where we bring in some magicians to talk to us about the principles of what makes magic work for an audience. How can playwrights and directors and producers expand our tool box? I'm not interested in seeing something on stage that could have been done on TV.

Q:  What advice do you have for playwrights just starting out?

A:  Get your hands dirty. Start a theatre company or join up some up-and-coming group of theatre folk and learn every aspect of theatre. Act, direct, design a set, tear tickets, design programs, run lights. Produce some shows. You might not be good at all of these things, but trying them helps you to fully understand the whole theatrical package, which is what you need if you want to write something that comes life on stage (and actually is chosen by theatres). And realize that playwriting is a very slow process--when you're just starting out, you want everything to happen right now. But plays can take a long time to develop, and it takes a while to build your skillset and a body of work.

Q:  Any plugs?

A:  I have a couple short plays in Los Angeles, being done in coffee shops by Theatre Unleashed. I wish I could be there, because I get a kick out of site specific work. And on January 14, Constant State of Panic opens in DC at the H Street Playhouse. I'm excited to see how it turns out--we've got a great team for the show.

Read more from Patrick here.

Oct 13, 2009

I Interview Playwrights Part 73: Mike Batistick

Mike Batistick

Hometown:  Red Bank, NJ

Current Town:  Sunset Park, Brooklyn, NY

Q:  What are you working on now?

A:  I'm currently working on the final cut with director Nick Sandow for the film version of my play PONIES (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1462765/), for which I wrote the screenplay. Greenbox Entertainment produced it, and we shot it in the Bronx (among other places) where we built an entire OTB out of a closed Washington Mutual bank. The place looked so authentic the Morris Park Community Board got upset because they thought a betting parlor was moving into their neighborhood.

In addition to that, I've also been working on a few TV projects--including a pilot I've got in development--and putting the final touches on my latest play RECURSION. Sometime next Spring, director Arin Arbus and I will be developing my latest play GAIL with the Working Theater.

Q:  How many plays of yours were done by Studio Dante? What was it like working with them?

A:  I have had two plays produced by Studio Dante, PONIES (http://www.dramatists.com/cgi-bin/db/single.asp?key=3510) and CHICKEN (http://www.dramatists.com/cgi-bin/db/single.asp?key=3888), both of which were directed by Nick Sandow, who also directed the film version of the PONIES. Dante basically helped me achieve everything I have in my career; my first (and second) NY TIMES review, published plays (including another play, PORT AUTHORITY THROW DOWN (http://www.dramatists.com/cgi-bin/db/single.asp?key=3846), and television work. Working with Michael Imperioli and his wife Victoria was perhaps the greatest development I've had in my creative life so far. They introduced me to many of the people I work with now.

Q:  How did you like Juilliard?

A:  Marsha and Chris were crucial in my development as a writer. They taught me to write quickly and with quality, as well as continue to always work on narrative structure, which has always been one of my weaknesses.

Q:  What do you like most about the MCC Playwrights Coalition?

A:  I've been out of town a lot lately, so I haven't much time to work with Coalition as I did when I first joined, in 2002. But recently I did a playwriting intensive with Mark Schultz, Annie Baker, Blair Singer, and dramaturge Jamie Green. The intensives are by far my favorite part of the group.

Q:  Tell me a story from your childhood that explains who you are as a writer or as a person.

A:  My dad was the landlord of a few buildings in Asbury Park, NJ when I was a teenager. I just remember always collecting rent, fixing those dilapidated buildings up, and trying to keep drug dealers and squatters away. I think those experiences inform a lot of the stuff I write.

Q:  What kind of theater excites you?

A:  Tom Bradshaw's PURITY at PS 122 was a really exciting piece, and I still think about it even though it was produced over two years ago. The play pushed the envelope and didn't try and put a nice button on its plot. I also really enjoyed Theater For a New Audience's production of OTHELLO, which Arin Arbus directed. What I was left with from that production was the claustrophobia and obsession that envelopes the main character, and how thoroughly contemporary his struggle felt to me. I really respond to shows that are dangerous and that play with style and structure, like the Elevator Repair Service's NO GREAT SOCIETY and WOMEN DREAMT HORSES by Daniel Veronese. I also like the work of the Debate Society.

Q:  What advice do you have for playwrights just starting out?

A:  Produce your play yourself, or submit to the Fringe or Midtown Theater Festival. Don't wait for producers and big theaters to come calling; if you put it up on your own dime, it's a perfect opportunity for them to come see your work. Also never be afraid to send that 10-page sample to the big Off-Broadway theaters if you don't have agent. Literary departments will respond.

Q:  Any plugs?

A:  Well my friend Jake Hirzel's musical DIAL 'N' FOR NEGRESS just finished its run at Theater Row, so no, but you can check out the awesome music at the website, dialnfornegress.com.

Oct 12, 2009

I Interview Playwrights Part 72: Mariah MacCarthy

Mariah MacCarthy

Hometown: San Diego, CA

Current Town: Astoria, NY

Q:  You have a couple shows coming up.  Can you talk a little about the plays and productions?

A:  The first play I have coming up is Ampersand: A Romeo & Juliet Story, the first act of which will be performed as part of the Looking Glass Theatre's Winter Forum (December 17-20).  It's a contemporary cynical lesbian adaptation of, you guessed it, Romeo and Juliet--with music and cross-dressing.  The title characters are two midwestern girls in their early twenties whose mothers are running against each other for mayor.  My approach is pretty un-romantic - I really don't think Romeo and Juliet would have worked out as a couple had they lived, or that killing yourself over grief for your lover is particularly romantic, and this rendition reflects that attitude.  I also had elections on the brain after last year's epic race, and am simultaneously tickled and disgusted by how much we know about politicians' children--and wouldn't it be wild if, say, Chelsea Clinton and Meghan McCain were a secret couple?  As all this was swirling around in my head, director Amanda Thompson asked me if I'd like to write something for the Looking Glass's Winter Forum, and the rest is history.

Then in the spring, the awesome Rapscallion Theatre Collective is projected to produce The All-American Genderf*ck Cabaret.  This project started as my senior thesis at Skidmore College, which I co-created with a fabulous student cast; then I reworked it in June in a staged reading with a different, though also fabulous, cast.  Genderf*ck takes eight gender stereotypes and, well, fucks them.  The characters, guided by an androgynous, omnipotent MC, morph from full-on cliches to actual human beings.  There's dancing, making out, assault, heartbreak, and peanut butter banana sandwiches.  The staged reading in June was one of those magical nights you dream of as a playwright, where the house is packed and you get a standing O and it leads to a production offer.  And I'm so excited to be working with Rapscallions; I've worked with them as a director several times, and in addition to being incredibly warm and welcoming people, they're always doing fresh, beautiful work.  (Shameless plug: check out their upcoming production of Naomi Wallace's Trestle at Pope Lick Creek - it's going to be gorgeous: http://www.rapscalliontheatrecollective.com/productions/2009_trestle.html)

Q:  Tell me what it was like to intern at New Dramatists.

A:  Interning at New Dramatists was my wonderful crash course introduction to the New York theater scene that every theater artist should get when they're just starting out.  Not only are there absurdly brilliant playwrights hanging out at ND all the time, you're also being constantly inundated with new work - through stage managing the readings, seeing bucketloads of free theater, reading the plays in the library, etc.  I learned a ton, drank a lot of free wine, and met some delightful people that I'm still working with--Amanda Thompson, director of Ampersand, was a fellow intern there.  And if you intern with them, you get a reading of one of your plays, so I had an awesome reading of my play A Man of His Word there in January.  Yes, New Dramatists interns make coffee and get very familiar with the copier, but when something like PlayTime happens in the fall, you actually get really excited about making coffee and copies.  I'm serious.

Q:  You took a class with Lucy Thurber at Primary Stages.  What was that like?

A:  My class with Lucy was the beginning of a hugely important turnaround for me as a playwright.  I've always had a restless imagination, and as I've gotten older my work has become increasingly gender-political, so I waltzed into Lucy's class thinking I was rather clever.  She was the first teacher to kind of kick my ass and say, "OK, yes, you're very clever, but what's actually happening in this scene?"  She taught me that theater can't just be pretty; it has to be active.  Since then my work has changed significantly, and for the better.  (Side note: if you're in New York and haven't seen Lucy's Killers and Other Family yet, I don't know what you're waiting for.  See it before it closes this weekend.)

Q:  Tell me a story from your childhood that explains who you are as a person or writer.

A:  When I was three, I used to pick up my uncle's cats by their tails and throw them in his pool.  I didn't mean the cats any harm - it was hot out, and I thought the cats would want to cool off, and it seemed obvious to me that cats were meant to be picked up by the tail.  This, of course, was not the case, and very quickly these cats started avoiding me, but I didn't know why.  I just loved them so much and didn't understand why they didn't want to play with me anymore.

Q:  How do you feel about dating a fellow playwright?

A:  I feel pretty great about dating Larry Kunofsky.  We're both huge fans of each other's writing, but more importantly, we're madly in love.  It's a very convenient arrangement.  It's nice to feel both inspired and inspiring.

Q:  Tell me about Writers Group for Minions.

A:  Writers Group for Minions is the brainchild of me and my former co-minion Krystal Banzon (who will be directing Genderf*ck in the spring).  We created it to give our fellow office bitches, interns, and assistants a forum where they could bring and share work.  I've always found it hard to write without some kind of structure or deadline, so WGFM is our attempt to motivate ourselves and our peers.  Feel free to email us at writersgroupforminions@gmail.com with a description of your minion experience if you'd like to join us!

Q:  What kind of theater excites you?

A:  Really, even if I don't like something, I'll congratulate anything that's doing something I've never seen before.  But beyond that...Theater with visible strings.  Theater where someone totally rocks out.  Theater with longing or war or ugliness in it.  Theater that makes me go, "Oh no they didn't!"  Theater with awkward moments.  Theater that is socially aware without being self-congratulatory, or celebratory without being mindless.  Theater with guts.  From this year:  Monstrosity, That Pretty Pretty; or, The Rape Play, Red Fly/Blue Bottle, Rods and Cables, Chautauqua!, Bird House, Ruined, Expatriate, Our Town at Barrow Street...I could go on.

Probably my favorite person making art right now is Amanda Palmer, performance artist & former frontwoman of The Dresden Dolls.  Her solo album provided a lot of the inspiration for Ampersand (the title is lovingly lifted from the third track).  This year, she collaborated with a group of high schoolers in Lexington, Massachusetts to create one of the most memorable theatrical experiences I've ever seen, With the Needle that Sings in Her Heart.  It was an ensemble piece based on the Neutral Milk Hotel album, In an Aeroplane Over the Sea, in which Anne Frank uses her imagination to escape the horrors of the Holocaust - until eventually she can't anymore.  It was epic and broken and devastating and just...stunning.  And you can feel that theatricality in Amanda Palmer's music.  I wish she'd come to New York and bring her high schoolers with her.

Q:  What advice do you have for playwrights just starting out?

A:  I consider myself to be very, very much still in the "just starting out" category, but here's what I've learned so far: people love free labor.  Give your sweat to theaters you admire, even if you already have a "job-job" - help with mass mailings, help with load-ins and strikes, be an usher, be a PA, whatever you can do (without adding too much to the debt you've likely already accrued from college).  Some people will take the free labor and run, but others will bend over backwards for you again and again.  Do it now, while you have the energy.

Also, remember that networking is often as simple as just making friends.  Your fellow intern today is tomorrow's Anne Bogart, so don't worry if you didn't get to share your poetic prowess with the big boss of your favorite theater company; your friends, your peers, are your future collaborators.  Toward that end, fill your friends' houses - karma works.  Befriend directors until you meet the ones that get your work.  And if you've just graduated college, contact your fellow alumni.  I wouldn't have gotten anywhere without the support of my more established fellow Skidmore College alums: Allison Prouty at the Women's Project, Jessica Davis-Irons at Andhow!, Yehuda Duenyas at NTUSA.  They enabled me to hit the ground running when I moved to New York, and I haven't stopped running yet.

Q:  Links for shows, please:

A:  There's no info online for Ampersand or Genderf*ck yet, but definitely check out both theaters' websites...
Rapscallion Theatre Collective: http://www.rapscalliontheatrecollective.com/ (And seriously, go see Trestle at Pope Lick Creek.  Fo'real.)

Q:  And other plugs?

A:  Check out my blog, A Rehearsal Room of One's Own: http://nicefeminist.blogspot.com/ - I love getting feedback on my ramblings, so please feel free to drop me a line there!

Again, to come to a Writers Group for Minions meeting, email writersgroupforminions@gmail.com with a description of your experience as a minion.  We'd love to have you.

Also, my friend Heidi Handelsman runs an awesome reading series called The Potluck out of her living room (and yes, it is an actual potluck) - email potluckplays@yahoo.com to sign up for updates.

Oct 10, 2009

I Interview Playwrights Part 71: Jay Bernzweig

Jay Bernzweig

Hometown: Freehold, NJ

Current Town: Los Angeles, New York

Q:  Tell me about your play, Made in Heaven going up soon at the Soho Playhouse.

A:  "Made in Heaven" is a comedy about conjoined twins who share a penis. On the night they are about to propose marriage to their girlfriend, one twin reveals that's he's gay. The twins and their girlfriend concoct a plan to make the arrangement satsfying for all of them. The plain involves a bisexual hustler, whose behavior wreaks havoc on the household and forces all four characters to rethink their notions of love, family and self-acceptance.

Q:  How did you come to write this play?

A:  For a few years I walked around with the one-line idea of conjoined twins, one gay and one straight, who share a penis. Anyone with whom I shared the idea laughed out loud. But I wasn't able to start writing until I discovered who the other two characters were and realized the play would be about the self-destructive and uncomfortable knots we'll all twist ourselves into for the sake of what looks or feels like romantic love. In 2004 I was one of the producers of an Off-Broadway musical, "Dr. Sex." There were long periods if idleness as we waited for the show to be rewritten, or waited for various creative talents to become available. I took advantage of the fact that I had a quiet, cozy office overlooking Broadway, and wrote the first draft of "Made in Heaven."

Q:  What are you working on next?

A:  A play tentatively titled "Madame Mesmer." It's a contemporary farce that deals with marriage, money and hypnosis.

Q:  You used to be a film exec. What does it feel like to be on the other side of the desk? Is it vastly different?

A:  It's way more fun ruining my own ideas that it was helping to ruin others.

Q:  Do you have any advice for young writers trying to get their screenplays made?

A:  Yes. View your career as a marathon, not a sprint. Hope for the best with every script, but understand the following: A lucky few achieve success with a single, brilliant screenplay. But many, many writers succeed as the result of eight or ten years of consistent, ever-improving work.

Q:  Tell me, if you will, a story from your childhood that explains who you are as a person or as a writer.

A:  I fell in love with Eugene O'Neill when I was twelve and read everything he wrote. Didn't understand at least half of what I was reading, but I was captivated by the language and the theatricality and decided I wanted to be a playwright.

Q:  What theaters or shows in LA would you recommend?

A:  The Actors' Gang, Theatre at Boston Court, "99-cent Only Show" at Bootleg Theatre, drag revue at the Plaza bar on LaBrea.

Q:  What kind of theater excites you?

A:  Anything fresh, original and astonishing.

Link for Jay's show:

Oct 8, 2009

I Interview Playwrights Part 70: Gina Gionfriddo

Gina Gionfriddo

Hometown:  Washington DC

Current Town: NYC

Q:  What are you working on now?

A:  It's not a go yet, but I am working with a film producer to option and then adapt a book by Joy Williams called "The Changeling"--no relation to either of 2 movies with that title.  The book is scary and sort of hallucinogenic; an alcoholic narrator is seeing stuff that may or may not be real.  The story draws a lot on fairy tales and myths.  So I have been researching myths and fairy tales--"animal groom" stories, specifically--for that project.  I'm also researching/reading for the next play I want to write which, I think, has something to do with internet pornography.

Q:  You're one of the playwrights who has written for Law and Order, that New York institution.  What was that like?

A:   It was very, very good for me in a couple of ways.  It disabused me of some romantic notions about writing.  The time pressure to getting the episodes written helped me see that showing up really is half the battle.  Inspiration and ideas spring from the action of writing, so a lot of the mooning around and planning I tend to do before I really get in the saddle and START seems like procrastination now.  Not entirely, but... I've learned to do less of it, to have the guts to sit down and write before the play in the brain feels 100% there.  And writing TV is a good paycheck.  I was hand-to-mouth for such a long time, it was a big relief not to be living in financial panic.  Also, I think that show in particular was a good adjunct to playwriting because it was so plot driven.   I never felt creatively split and I think I might have if my TV job had been, say, "Madmen" or some other show where you're crafting long-range, nuanced character arcs.

Q:  Tell me a story from your childhood that explains who you are as a person or as a writer.

A:  I was a really macabre, little gothette of a child.  I was fixated on dead children.  In the village in Pennsylvania where we spent our summers, I went to the graveyard and wrote down the names and dates from all the kids' graves.  Then I went around interviewing my elderly aunts about why they had died.  And I saved all the news clippings about a boy who disappeared near my home in DC.  I had a Life Magazine about the Yorkshire Ripper that I used to read and reread obsessively.  I think I still have that, um, orientation.  My pleasure reading is true crime and my Tivo is backlogged with it.  So I think a lot of my writing has been about figuring out where that impulse comes from and what it serves for me.

Q:  How did you like Brown?

A:  Loved it.  I got paid to write for 2 years and the plays I wrote were produced.  They were shoestring, throw 'em up campus productions, but you learn stuff from productions that you just can't learn from readings.  So that was invaluable.  And Paula Vogel gave me some amazing tools that I can pull out of my back pocket when I'm stuck.  She's a purist.  She really believes that great writing will come if you push yourself beyond your safety zone.

Q:  What kind of theater excites you?

A:  I am never happier than when I leave a theatre feeling the stirrings of a good argument.  I like plays where the audience fractures over who the good guys are.   I used to love teaching "Oleanna" for that reason.

Q:  What advice do you have for playwrights just starting out?

A:   Read plays.  Read a play a day.  Some of my best ideas have come from reacting to plays... wishing the writer had gone further, sometimes, or feeling an ending didn't ring true.  I'm inspired when I feel my needs and expectations aren't met and I have to go fishing in the deep Gina waters to ask why.    Also, read for structure.  There are plays I have read and re-read and mapped because they work so well.  It's good to, like, take the back of the watch off and see how the gears move.  Donald Margulies' "Dinner with Friends" is one that I really studied because it packs such a wallop and looks, on its face, so simple.

Q:  Any plugs?

A:  Not for my own work.  I've got nothing up right now!  I liked Tracy Letts' new play, "Superior Donuts," a lot, and Annie Baker's "Circle Mirror Transformation."  And I think I liked them for the same reason.  The characters are living "small" lives, by which I mean... no blood, death, war, politics.  But within "small lives" (see "Our Town") there are enormous cataclysms and I love to see writers that appreciate that and truly care.

Oct 7, 2009

I Interview Playwrights Part 69: Darren Canady

Darren M Canady

Hometown: Topeka, Kansas

Current Town: Brooklyn, NY (Bed-Stuy and proud of it!)

Q:  Tell me about the play you're doing with the BE company. (and link please)

A:  The play is called MUDDY THE WATER. It's about what happens when a prominent minister at a Kansas City church disappears after an arrest for cruising and solicitation in a local park. The focus of the play isn't so much the minister, but how everyone within the church community is forced to reveal their own secrets, prejudices and examine their relationships with each other and their faith.

I'm supremely lucky because this is a pilot program being offered by the BE Company that they're calling The WorkBEnch Series. It's a developmental opportunity where the script is workshopped with staging and design elements thrown in. Then, we take a break in the middle of the performance period to take in audience reaction, rework the script, rehearse and then complete the rest of the run. So far, the experience has been sort of like being a theatrical mad scientist, but the collaborations with my fantastic director (Martin Damien Wilkins) and this ridiculously amazing cast have really helped move this piece along.


Q:  While you were at Juilliard, you had a show at the Alliance. Can you tell me about the play, the program there and what it was like? Also what did you think of Atlanta? (My current town)

A:  So. The play I had up at The Alliance was called FALSE CREEDS--it's the story of how a young man discovers his family's involvement in the Tulsa Disaster of 1921. For anyone who might be in the dark about that historical event: 1920s Tulsa, Oklahoma was the home of Greenwood, one of the most prosperous black communities in America--so prosperous, in fact, that it was known as "The Black Wall Street." In June of that year, however, a white mob swept through Greenwood, burned it to the ground and murdered hundreds of residents. My play dealt with not only that one horrific day, but also how a family began to try to put their life back together.

The Alliance production came about because FALSE CREEDS won their Kendeda Graduate Play Competition while I was at New York University. The competition is aimed at playwrights who are in their final year of a graduate program--the winners are given a full production in The Alliance's season. In addition, that year The Alliance partnered with The O'Neill Playwrights Conference to offer me a residency there that summer to do some intense development of the piece ahead of the Alliance premiere.

Honestly, that entire experience was sick--I mean, just truly amazing. When Celise Kalke called me from Atlanta to tell me I had won, I was at a place in my head/life where I was seriously doubting my abilities as a writer, I really needed to hear that I was saying something worth hearing. That phone call began a year-long process of really learning what play development was like from the inside. Throughout the O'Neill and Atlanta productions I got to knock heads with some of the most gifted artists and professionals I have ever encountered. What really floored me though, was that all of these people were really earnestly working to make this play the truest representation of my vision possible. Which is not to say that everything was all bubble gum and lollipops (Drama draws drama, folks), but it was an experience that there is no substitute for.

As for Atlanta, heck, who could complain about being below the Mason-Dixon Line in the middle of February?! The Alliance was a great temporary home--they took such excellent care of this know-nothing kid from Kansas clutching his little script. What I think would surprise some people is just how vibrant the arts scene in general is in Atlanta. While I was there, I had the chance to see gospel performances, the premiere of Pearl Cleage's A SONG FOR CORETTA, artwork on loan from the Louvre, local rock bands...there is plenty going on. I'd do a show down there again in a heartbeat (y'all heard that, right?!)!

Q:  What else are you working on now?

A:  I'm trying to wrap my head around some new play ideas I've had recently: History colliding with science fiction and social politics. There are some musical pieces as well that I provided text for that could seriously use some rewrites (as long as play development takes, operas and musicals are a flippin' eternity). Right now though, most of my attention is on shaping MUDDY THE WATER and getting as much out of that experience as possible--multi-tasking has rarely proven to be my friend.

Q:  Tell me a story from your childhood that explains who you are as a person or a writer.

A:  When I was a kid, I remember one of my uncles was known to be quite the Ladies' Man. Despite having been in a loooooooooooooooooooooong term relationship with a very lovely woman, he would quite often bring his latest jump-off over to my parent's house, believing full well that he needn't worry about my parents revealing his indiscretions. One day, after my uncle introduced me to his latest "friend" (she said I was very charming), it became quickly apparent to all the adults that I was no fool and that I knew this cheap broad was certainly not the "Auntie" I was used to seeing my uncle with. My dad pulled him aside and said: "Hey man, look here now, don't you get angry at Darren if he starts runnin' his mouth one day and lets loose that you been bringin' all these women by here. That's your fault brotha, and then, I'd have to kick your ass myself."

Now, what I find interesting is less that my dad threatened my uncle (that was par for the course), more that he already knew my personality even at that young age. To this day, I am still nosy, messy, and occasionally itchy to instigate conflict. So instead of subjecting real people to that, I do it to my characters.

Q:  What kind of theater excites you?

A:  Anything with an element of surprise and some theatrical magic. A compelling story that won't let me turn away.

Q:  What advice do you have for playwrights just starting out?

A:  I have to sort of laugh at that one--that's pretty much giving advice to myself. I guess I'd say two things I've done for myself so far that I think were truly worthwhile were 1) I got over the fear of exposing myself in my writing--whatever is the most personal tends to be the most compelling, and 2) started to surround myself with creative, diverse theatre artists whom I could respect and look to for both inspiration and support.

Oct 6, 2009

I Interview Playwrights Part 68: Alejandro Morales

Hometown:  Hialeah, FL . . . which is really just a carbuncle on the butt of Miami.  It's home to the famous Hialeah Race Track, which I have never been to.

Current Town:  Brooklyn, NY . . . when I lived in Queens I always used to say New York, NY and remind everyone Queens was part of New York City.  Now that I live in Brooklyn, I am very proud of the distinction.

Q:  Can you tell me about "marea"  Coming up in Dec at Here?

A:  marea was a commission from the Public Theater from about six years ago. It's the story of a woman who is obsessed with two classic Italian films from 1960--L'Avventura and Black Sunday--because they help her understand the mystery of her mother's disappearance shortly after giving birth to her.  Our heroine is at a point in her life where a lot of things are breaking down for her--her sanity, her relationship with her girlfriend, her purpose in life--and when this mysterious woman wielding a straight razor begins to haunt her apartment she's thrown into this rabbit hole of self discovery and acceptance.

It's a very challenging play for me.  For one, because it was a commission, it was the only I play I've written where I never took the time to reconcile my personal reasons for writing the play with the demands of the play itself.  I wanted to meet my deadlines and I wrote very quickly.  Little did I know that as I wrote the first draft, I was dealing with the onset of a depression that would last for about four years.  As a result, I ended up with something that was emotionally true to what I was experiencing psychologically, but I don't know if I had the ability to craft that into a workable play until now.  This play takes a lot out of me physically.  Every time I've had a workshop of it, I got a physical malady related to it.  The characters are obsessed with seeing and the heroine is an asthmatic so I've had two bouts of pink eye and pneumonia while working on rewrites.  Drowning figures heavily in the play so I avoided swimming pretty much all summer.  It's weird.  I've taken to wearing a rosary while working on it.  I've never had that happen with a play before.

Packawallop got a grant from the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council to work on a theater piece that incorporated video and multi-media and because of the influence of film on this play, we felt that it would be a good project for this grant.  What we're doing at HERE in December is the first hour of the play.  Our goal is to work on the crazier second half over the course of next year and fundraise for a full production.

Q:  What else are you working on?

A:  This January I had a small show at the Metropolitan Playhouse called william bell.  It's a one act response to Billy Budd by Melville.  I've been interested in Melville and the paintings of Turner for a while and the themes of man's vulnerability to nature have been on my mind.  I was very proud of william bell and I am writing a companion piece for it called the golden vanity about four men during a hurricane on Fire Island.  I'm very excited about it and curious to see what sort of evening the two plays make.  They seem to touch on ideas of materialism, self-worth and true human connection in the face of crisis--economic, natural and spiritual.

Q:  How old were you when you got into New Dramatists?  12?  Can you talk about them and who they are as a support system?

A:  I was 26, but I felt 12.  I had written two plays and got in.  I was very honored especially since I had just completed an internship there and saw what a great place it was.  However, many of the writers there at the time were older and a little further along in their careers.  I had never even had a production in New York at the time.  I felt very intimidated and I wish I had had the courage to own up to that instead of pretending to know more than I did.  In the end, however, I felt like I grew up at New Dramatists.  I cannot imagine a more appropriate place to learn to be a playwright.  One of the best lessons I learned there is that I can take a lot of responsibility for my process.  ND places a lot of emphasis on the membership defining the ways the organization works.  We were constantly asked to think about what we needed as writers and to articulate that.  I've brought that into every aspect of my work.  I think about that at my desk or at rehearsal.  I've brought it into notes sessions.  I feel like I can enter a development process or a production process and really take care of myself and my play . . . and as a result be a better collaborator.

I also think the way New Dramatists works is the gold standard for non-profit arts organizations.  I was a development intern there before I was a member, and I have brought a lot of what I learned about how ND works to Packawallop.  It's remarkable to me the amount of dedication and love the staff has for the organization and the membership and the alumni.  I know a big challenge for ND fundingwise is to quantify what they do to funders since they don't produce.  And it is an amazing thing that they are able to stay true to the original paradigm of what a non-profit is supposed to do.  They are not a corporation.  They are a service organization, a community.  I find that to be a rarity these days as non-profits are forced to think like for-profits to survive (sadly, we live in a world that doesn't understand what not-for-profit is.  If you can't make money, why bother?).  That feeling of community is something Scott and I strive for at Packawallop.  I'd love to make a living as a writer, but I also make theater for the feeling of personal satisfaction that gives.  Places like New Dramatists remind me that that satisfaction one gets from sharing with a community is just as important.

Q:  Tell me about your theater company (and film company), Packawallop Productions.  Well, actually, I know all about Packawallop but my readers may not.  How did the company come about and what have you done and what are you doing next?

A:  Packawallop was founded in 1995 by a bunch of us former NYU/Tisch folks (I was actually the only current student among the founders . . . everyone else had just graduated).  We've been through a lot of changes structurally and aesthetically since then, but we've always been a company that has been interested in exploring sexual/cultural/gender identity in stylistically elegant and sophisticated productions.  We're very focused on collaboration and community and strive to create a company of writers, directors, actors and designers who share similar values . . . as well as establishing a strong rapport with our audience.  We like to envision every event as an extended cocktail party.  The audience are very much our guests and we like to make them feel welcome (that and I think we just like cocktail parties a lot!)

Since 2002, Scott Ebersold and I have been co-helming the company.  We're sort of a two-headed monster.  I don't know where I end and Scott begins.  We have a core group--Susan Louise O'Connor, Polly Lee, Marc Solomon and Julian Stetkevych--who work with us on the running of the company.

Right now we're gearing up for Marea at HERE, we're submitting The Moment (the film we worked on with you) to festivals, we're running our brand new monthly salon The Pack for our community of artists and lastly we're planning our 2010 Lounge Series of work in progress presentations.

Q:  Isn't Susan Louise O'Connor the bomb?

A:  I worked with Susan for 3 years or so on the silent concerto.  It was an unusual project because it was my very first play (from when I was 20) and Scott and I brought it back mostly for Susan.  It ended up being a big challenge for me as a writer because sometimes the plays you write when you're 20 are hard to revisit 10 years later ... but every time I watched the show (and I think I've seen like 40 performances of it including readings and workshops), I felt immensely honored to have an actor as on the money as Susan in it.  It's interesting to watch her work because it's like seeing someone do embroidery.  She really knows how to piece together these very complex emotional moments.  I also know that when I work with Susan, I need to be very very very on top of my game.  She asks a lot of questions and is very thorough about her moment to moment work.  She's really helped me to understand character arcs and beat work in a new way working with her for all those years.

I'm actually very lucky to have three actors I like to work with a lot involved with Packawallop--Susan, Polly Lee and Julian Stetkevych (They can probably do a great SNL style satire of my work by now).  It's really helpful to have actors to write for.    There's an amazing symbiotic relationship there.  And an amazing level of trust.  These three actors have repeatedly taken crazy leaps with me and have been wonderful companions on the journey to discovering a play.

Q:  Isn't Scott Ebersold amazing?

A:  A couple years ago, when Fred Ebb of Kander and Ebb died, Scott sent me this article from The New York Times about how John Kander was dealing with the death of this longtime collaborator.  I know it sounds morbid talking about my very much alive friend and collaborator this way, but when I read that article, I knew I'd feel exactly as John Kander did if I were to ever lose Scott.

We always joke that what we have is like a marriage, but really that's exactly what it is.  We've been friends and collaborators for 17 years now.  It's the longest relationship I've had with anyone save my family.  Like all long term relationships, it has its ups and downs, but we're in it for the long haul.  He's believed in my work from the very very beginning.  I'm talking like the "18 year old read my emo poetry" beginning.  That kind of sustained and unwavering belief is invaluable.  Thinking about it now, I feel really floored by that.

I think one of the things our longstanding relationship helps us do is be very flexible while working together.  We just can pretty much tell what the other is doing and we can easily blur the lines of playwright and director as a result--he'll suggest a fix for a problematic scene that is pretty much what I've been trying to find or he'll ask me to deal with a sound cue in tech while he's working out a light cue because we're pretty much always on the same page with these things.

We did something unusual for william bell.  We decided to (with the exception of some sound design) to put together the entire production ourselves.  We came up with the idea together and then we pretty much designed the whole show.  I loved that we went to Ikea and bought the set together.   I was very proud of that production.  It was a very pure distillation of our aesthetic . . . and as simple as it was, it looked like a million bucks.

Q:  Tell me a story from your childhood that explains who you are as a person or as a writer.

A:  When I was about 12, my mother took me to the doctor for a checkup.  Puberty was beginning and of course there was much discussion about my changing body.  My mother asked my doctor about how tall I would end up being.  He said I probably wouldn't grow much more.  I had hit my growth spurt already and that was that.  My mother had this incredibly crushed and disappointed look on her face.  I never understood her disappointment because there are no tall people in my family . . . but disappointed she was.  I don't know exactly what my mother was thinking and asking her doesn't help because she's great with selective memory, but she did take me to several other doctors for a 2nd opinion.  Perhaps she just wanted to make sure she did everything she can to ensure I'd be happy and free of problems, but when you're entering puberty and you get the impression you're somehow defective and not good enough just as you are, it really sticks with you.  For better or for worse, this idea of smallness has permeated me entirely.

Anyone who knows my work knows, there is not a capital letter to be found anywhere.  It's probably the only bit of youthful pretension I've held on to all these years, but I've always felt like a lowercase letter in a world of capitals and what I write, what comes out of a true and honest place in me is only made up of lowercase letters.  I want to make beautiful things from that feeling and concept of smallness and I feel like omitting capital letters from the scripts it somehow infuses the work with that idea.  I even named my blog lowercaseletter; it's something I'm very much invested in.

I've since been pushing the concept of smallness by embracing shorter forms.  william bell was the first one act I've ever written and I really liked the format.  I like the economy.  In the past, I was so eager to impress my audience I'd try to wow them with all these concepts and metaphors and literary allusions.  I think my new play and the plays coming after that will be striving towards making one simple gesture.  I'm also not interested in writing a two act play at the moment.  I'm striving for 70-90 minutes with this new one.  Short and sweet.

Q:  What kind of theater excites you?

A:  I recently saw a video of Mary Zimmerman's controversial production of La Sonnambula at the Met.  Zimmerman's concept was to set this opera about young lovers thwarted by the heroine's sleepwalking problem in a rehearsal studio as we were watching an opera company basically rehearsing the opera and seeing how some of the plotlines bled into their "real" lives.  Maybe this says something about why I'm not on Broadway, but this supposedly REVILED production had me in tears.  One thing I respected about it was the it's particular style of storytelling.  There were very mundane props in the production that took on a different meaning when placed alongside the music and the emotions of the characters.  A blackboard became a love letter, on opera score ripped to shreds became a breaking heart, the orchestra pit became an abyss of despair the sleepwalking heroine was about to fall into as she sang about her heartbreak on the edge of a plank hovering above the musicians.  There was always a sense of discovery going on in that production that kept me delighted and engaged.

I really like theater that does extraordinary things in a simple way.  I remember there was a time a few years ago I would see all these plays with working kitchens.  Other than Eduardo Machado's The Cook, which doesn't work without a practical kitchen . . . I didn't understand why all this work went into making a set where there was running water and a working stove.   It makes me feel like the artists involved don't want to engage me, they don't want me to use my imagination to co-create the stage picture with them.  Theater is collaborative in every sense of the word.  In performance the audience HAS to collaborate with the play to make it work.  I'm not interested in a realism that shuts me out of that collaboration.  To me it lacks the magic and poetry that I expect from the theater.  A theatrical experience becomes special when I have put a little bit of myself in it.  The story, the characters, the language become parts of me by the time the houselights come up.

Q:  What advice do you have for playwrights just starting out?

A:  1.  Write every day.  Even if it's for ten minutes a day.  The real world will crush your creative spirit if you don't make an effort to make writing a part of your every day life.  It's got to be.  2.  Do everything you can to be produced.  Even if you have to do it yourself in your living room.  You cannot learn if your plays work via staged readings.  The most valuable lessons I have learned from my work have been from production experiences.  3.  Don't be alone.  Find other writers or theater artists.  Make a community.  I cannot stress this enough.  Theater is about getting together with other people in a room.  I think theater folk generally love to be together and there is an amazing amount of support out there.  I can't name the number of times little exchanges at parties have led to plays, or casting decisions, or workshops, or collaborations.  I think our most valuable resource in the theater are our colleagues.

Q:  Plugs please:

A:  I have a book of three of my plays out on NoPassport Press.  It's called Alejandro Morales collected plays and you can get it on Amazon or Lulu.com.  It's got expat/inferno, sebastian and an earlier version of marea.  I appear regularly with NoPassport's Hibernating Rattlesnakes at Nuyorican Poets Cafe.  Marea opens December 3 and runs four performances at HERE.  Packawallop's Lounge Series kicks off in January 2010.  More details to come.  Visit my blog at lowercaseletter.wordpress.com and visit Packawallop at www.packawallop.org.

Oct 5, 2009

I Interview Playwrights Part 67: Ann Marie Healy

Ann Marie Healy

Hometown:  I grew up in Minneapolis.

Current Town:  I just moved back to New York after grad school. New York--Brooklyn specifically--feels like home these days.

Q:  Tell me please about your show coming up at Lincoln Center.

A:  It's the story of a novelist trying to get her book published but it happens to be set in a futuristic world with all sorts of deception and political intrigue. The protagonist, Macy, ultimately makes a kind of "Faustian bargain" to publish her book and we see the implications of her choice ripple throughout an entire society. Also, just for kicks, there are no men in the play. (Adding a little twist on pregnancy and reproduction...)

Q:  I know you're working with Ken Rus Schmoll again on this. What do you like most about working with him?

A:  It's hard to narrow it down. Ken is a total delight in every sense of the word. He thinks very intuitively and sensitively in the moment. When a question comes up, he takes the time to search for the deepest, richest and most interesting answer possible. His eye for design and an elegant stage picture is also totally inspiring. I could go on and on...Clearly, I'm a big fan.

Q:  What else are you working on?

A:  I'm working on some pieces that I started at Brown and I'm in the process of finishing some early drafts of commissions. I am also working on a non-fiction book that is set to come out with Random House later in 2010.

Q:  How did you like Brown?

A:  I loved it. I came from New York where I was scrambling to make money and do my work and feeling generally burnt out. Brown was playwriting heaven after that period of my life. Paula Vogel, Bonnie Metzgar and the other people in the program were like orbs of inspiration and energy. I don't think I really slept the first few days I was in class because I had such an adrenaline rush.

Q:  Tell me a story from your childhood that explains who you are as a person or a writer.

A:  Hmmm.....Once, I climbed high up in a tree with an open umbrella, convinced that my sheer powers of belief would enable me to fly. I jumped, came crashing down immediately and hurt myself very badly. I can't remember what age I was when this happened but I suspect that I was a little too old to be doing such things. On some level, this probably says something about the act of writing and my own faith in the artistic process. Perhaps, more importantly, it is solid proof that gravity exists (just in case there were any non-believers out there....)

Q:  What kind of theater excites you?

A:  I have pretty broad tastes and interests in theater but I almost always respond to tonal dissonance. If something surprises me in its tonal shifts, I am usually hooked.

Q:  What advice do you have for playwrights just starting out?

A:  There is no one set path for playwriting and everyone makes their way differently. I think the most important thing is to choose collaborators who genuinely inspire you. The rest will take care of itself...

Link for Lincoln Center show:

Link to the About Face Production of What Once We Felt later this winter:

Oct 4, 2009

I Interview Playwrights Part 66: Christopher Shinn

Christopher Shinn

Hometown: Wethersfield, CT

Current Town: New York, NY

Q:  What are you working on now?

A:  I'm writing a new play.  Experience has taught me that the more I talk about what I'm writing, the less I write, so I'll have to leave it at that!

Q:  What are your classes like at the New School?

A:  I teach two classes -- a class for first-year writers, and a thesis supervision class for 3rd year, graduating writers.  The third-year class is easier to describe: because the student plays are going into full production, I see my role as a kind of producer-slash-dramaturg, giving the kinds of notes, feedback, and guidance that I got when my first plays were being produced at theatres like Playwrights Horizons and the Royal Court.  I feel like the students should have an experience that mirrors what they'll be going through in the real world -- and that's something very different than the teacher-student dynamic.  I don't completely take off my teacher's hat, but I'm very aggressive in making suggestions and passing judgment on what works or doesn't work in the play.  I also encourage the students to be aggressive with me: if they disagree with a note of mine, tell me why.  I explain that they're free to ignore my notes but not free to fail to engage with me about them -- producers will demand no less.  In short, I don't want them to interact with me as a student, but as an autonomous playwright putting his or her work up on the stage in collaboration with a producer whose opinions may overlap as well as diverge from theirs. 

The first-year class is challenging.  Every year I agonize about it.  In short, I don't want the students to have a little Chris Shinn in their heads while they write, saying, "This monologue is too long" or "Disguise the exposition more!" or "What is the protagonist's objective?" etc.  (I've also found that almost all rules have been broken in great plays, so what's the point of generalizing?)  Instead, I want to open up a process inside the writer that is primarily his or her own.  The rest of their lives will be spent looking at something they've written and trying to figure out, "What is going on in this play? Is it good? How can I make it better?"  The things I do in class are meant to help them answer these questions themselves. 

For example: when students bring in writing exercises, I try to get them to look at their own texts to discover what they are trying to explore and where they go awry -- let the critique come from within the work itself, not from my playwright-superego terrorizing it from without.  The evidence is in the text: what someone says, when someone changes the subject, when another character interrupts, when someone moves from speaking to action, etc.  What do these things tell us?  Is a character changing the subject because she feels frightened of continuing?  Or is the text itself changing the subject because the playwright is frightened of continuing?  Or is it both and if so, what are the implications of that?  The self-critique emerges in the tensions among these possibilities, always hewing closely to the text itself.  I suppose this method owes something to deconstruction, but the aim is for a better reconstruction.  "Look at what the text is doing" is different than "I think the text should do this" -- less arbitrary, less authoritarian, more supportive of the writer's unique subjectivity.  Fostering the student's relationship to their own work in this way hopefully will allow them to eventually overcome the universal temptation to appeal to an external "authority" (real or canonical) in order to feel secure about what their work is communicating and its value.  The text becomes its own authority, something we can always return to in the midst of our pain, doubt, and confusion about our work.  I could boil my method down to this: "Part of you knows what you are trying to represent in your play and part of you doesn't, and the evidence for this is in the text itself.  The only way to better understand your text and find a more successful representation is by referring again and again to it, rather than by applying external concepts and ideas to it."  Of course we all have these ideas and concepts -- there is no pure text existing outside of them -- but I remain constantly amazed by what opens up when the text itself is examined, in as far as this is possible, on its own terms and in relation to itself.  As intellectual as this might sound, it's actually about the primitive emotional impulses that guide us in our writing, a further opening up to that part of ourselves and the traces it leaves on the page.  Boiled down to its essence: "Dreaming while awake."

There's a lot besides that that we do in class, but I have to maintain a little mystery for the benefit of current and future students!

Q:  Many of your plays have been done in London before being done in the US. Are there big differences between American and English theater? What do you like most about opening in London?

A:   It's cheaper to produce plays in London, so theatre tickets don't cost as much -- that means younger and happier audiences.  Also, more government funding means theatres can take more risks in their programming -- especially in producing writers in their 20s.  The lack of a subscription culture also makes for more enthusiastic audiences, since they deliberately picked your play to go see.  Also, the short preview period, though it has its anxiety-provoking aspects, also gives tremendous excitement and momentum to a new play -- a handful of previews and the critics are there, as opposed to the 3 or 4 week system we have here, which gives too much power to audiences in shaping the final product.  So all these are big differences.  That said, at the end of the day, I've had extraordinary experiences with productions and audiences both in the US and in the UK.  The power of doing creative work is still strong enough -- for the most part -- to transcend some of the unfortunate economic realities and limitations of our theatre system here. 

Q:  Tell me, if you will, a story from your childhood that explains who you are as a writer or as a person. 

A:  When I was a kid, my mom would play tennis at a tennis center in my town.  The tennis center had a small daycare center where the kids would go while their moms played tennis and, afterward, sat and had coffee together.  One day a black boy around my age -- four or five -- was in the daycare.  I had literally never seen a black person before (except on TV) and I was very curious about him.  He had a huge afro and I couldn't stop staring at it, it was so strange and exotic to me, fascinating.  I thought about asking the boy if I could touch it, but I was too scared to do this -- I felt it was taboo.  I thought I might just reach out and brush my hand against his afro so quickly that he wouldn't notice.  So I did -- and he noticed.  Immediately he recoiled -- scowled and refused to play with me anymore.  I felt tremendous shame and confusion since I had felt only a positive feeling of curiosity and longing for him.  Why did he reject me?  When I later told my mother about what had happened, she tried to explain to me why it was rude to reach out and touch someone's hair without their permission.  I remember having a sad and strange feeling that there were things in the world that not only I didn't know about, but that I couldn't know about -- couldn't ever understand, couldn't ever "touch."  For whatever reason this idea to me was very traumatic, and I think writing became a way not only of representing my own experiences, but also attempting to represent the experiences of others outside of myself.  I still think I am largely writing about otherness and difference -- especially the otherness within oneself (what we don't consciously know about ourselves) and the otherness of the world and its traumatizing refusal to support our narcissism. 

Q:  What is the purpose of theater? 

A:  The purpose of theatre is to create a space inside the audience member in which they can safely submit to another's subjectivity and, in that process of submission, grapple with and enlarge their understanding of themselves and others in an active way. 

Q:  What kind of theater excites you? 

A:  I like plays that try to represent the deepest layers of human experience.  Any genre can do that -- or fail to!

Q:  What advice do you have for playwrights just starting out? 

A:  Work hard! 

Q:  Any plugs? 

A:  There are so many great writers out there that the list would be too long, so let me limit plugs to plays I've seen in production that I'd encourage people to seek out if they happened to miss them in performance.  Keith Bunin's The Busy World Is Hushed, Jessica Goldberg's Get What You Need, Bekah Brunstetter's Oohrah!, AR Gurney's Indian Blood, Jez Butterworth's The Night Heron, John Belluso's "The Rules of Charity," and Itamar Moses's "The Four of Us" are all extraordinary plays.  This list could be longer, but I have to stop somewhere! 

More on Chris:


Oct 3, 2009

I Interview Playwrights Part 65: Sam Forman

Sam Forman

Hometown: Brookline, Massachusetts

Current Town: New York City

Q:  Tell me about your musical F#@KING UP EVERYTHING coming up in the NYMF.

A:  The show's composer / lyricist, Eric Davis (who has been in a bunch of rock bands in the city for many years) had written a first draft of the book for the show as well -- but since Eric comes from a rock background and not so much a theatre background, he wanted a playwright to come onboard with the project and help him restructure the story. I got set up with Eric by our mutual friend -- the lovely and talented director Evan Cabnet -- and also the good folks over at Ars Nova -- and now we've been working together on the show for the last year and we're excited for people to see what we've come up with. It's a hard rocking, heartfelt comedy about young people in Wiliamsburg Brooklyn falling in and out of love with each other. We were shooting for a tone kind of like Say Anything and Pretty In Pink...but it's set in contemporary times and it's got a catchy indie-rock score. Like in most of my plays, this one features a neurotic / self deprecating Jewish protagonist, a gorgeous and amazing girl who he thinks is totally out of his league and a narcissistic, classically handsome Waspy male friend who deliberately attempts to destroy the main character's life...but this one has a much more upbeat conclusion than some of the my other stuff.

Q:  You wrote the book for this but you often write lyrics as well. How is writing a straight play different than writing the book or the songs to a musical? Is it a completely different thing?

A:  I think it really does feel different, yeah. The book for a musical actually has a lot more in common with writing a screenplay or a tv script than it does with writing a straight play. With straight plays -- particularly when I'm writing the first draft -- I feel like I have much more freedom to take the story in whatever direction I choose. My scenes are longer, there are more tangents, I don't really have to adhere to any kind of outline -- the whole thing just feels generally more indulgent and looser structurally. When I'm hired to write a book for a musical I think of myself more as a technician who is basically trying to quickly get from Point A to Point B in as truthful and funny a way as I possibly can. Book writing so far in my experience has mostly been about structure: Making sure to get to the next song every few pages, writing some laugh lines and getting in all the exposition and background stuff that the composer has left out. I think writing a straight play can be much more personal and much more about expressing your own thoughts and feelings about the world we live in. But they're both rewarding in different ways. Writing song lyrics (at least the kinds of lyrics that I usually write -- which are rhyming and often have to scan perfectly to instrumental music that has already been written by the composer) is a whole other thing as well. It can often take me twelve hours to write the lyrics for a three minute song...but once I get to the end, I don't usually go back and change much. I might make a couple little tweaks and change a word here and there...but usually the song that ends up in the show is pretty similar to the first draft -- because with lyrics, you're basically doing twenty drafts each time you sit down to write a song. I'll usually use up ten pages of a legal pad crossing out lines before I come up with the right one.

Q:  What else are you working on?

A:  I wrote the lyrics for a show called Season Preview that I've been developing with Alex Timbers, Sean Cunningham and Eli Bolin -- it's about an insane, theatre loving, Finnish billionaire who decides to buy every Broadway theatre and produce every show as well. We get to see little snippets from all his bizarre ideas (Blinded By Love: The Tragedy of Gay Oedipus, The Who's Miracle Worker, Hello Dalai!, Hindenberg: The Musical, etc) We're doing a reading on October 16th at 3pm at Ars Nova. I'm also writing the lyrics for a musical adaptation of Rob Ackerman's terrific play Volleygirls, which is about a high school girl's volleyball team in Ohio.

Q:  You studied theater at Northwestern for undergrad. How was that? Who else was there while you were there?

A:  I really loved Northwestern -- maybe not the actual classes so much, although some of them were totally interesting -- but the general theatre culture there is very strong and it seems to attract some very talented, unique people. I guess we just had a really good time is what I'm trying to say. And I still work often with a bunch of actors, writers and directors that I met there -- Austin Lysy, Armando Riesco, Billy Eichner, Eli Bolin and Jamie Salka to name a few -- and I think we share a shorthand from having grown up together that makes the process of creating theatre so much easier. When I send one of my plays to Austin Lysy for example -- he just knows exactly how it should sound...and when he does a reading, it's exactly how I meant it to be. You can only really find that kind of connection I think with someone you've known for a long time.

Q:  You and Beau Willimon cowrote a pilot which you sold to AMC a few years back. Can you talk about how that came about and developed and what that process was like?

A:  I got the meeting with AMC through my agent Chris Till (who is now also Beau's agent) It was before they had done Mad Men, actually it was before they had done any original programming at all. And they told me over lunch that they wanted to develop a "period spy drama" --- so I contacted Beau, because he was the only person I knew at the time who I was sure would definitely have an idea for a period spy drama. And he came up with the basic premise of our pilot, HICKORY HILL, which is about a black factory worker in the North during the Civil War who is sent down to South Carolina to pose as a slave (and butler to the "Karl Rove of the Confederacy") and become a spy for the Union Army. We sold the premise to AMC and worked on the script for a year with the development people there and ultimately they decided not to shoot the pilot (mostly because they realized it was just too expensive)...but we got paid well for our time, we got in the WGA and it opened a lot of doors for both of us.

Q:  What advice do you have for playwrights just starting out?

A:  I think the most important thing is just finding a way to hear your stuff out loud in front of some kind of audience -- even if it's just about getting your friends together and reading the play around a
table. Apply to a writers group or start your own. I've been in Youngblood at the Ensemble Studio Theatre and Play Group at Ars Nova and many of the people I met there have become my best friends and most valued colleagues over the years. Encourage each other and find a community of people that inspire you. Even if you're doing readings in your living room -- just keep creating stuff -- because it doesn't ultimately matter where you do it. You just have to keep doing it.

Q:  What kind of theatre excites you?

I'm a big cheerleader for my friends and I like to talk about their work and encourage people to seek it out: Annie Baker's new play Circle Mirror Transformation is fantastic...she also wrote one that I think is incredibly good called Nocturama and it's very confusing to me why it hasn't been produced yet. There was a reading of it a while ago at Playwrights Horizons that was one of the best things I've seen in years -- and this was just a reading. I just read Beau Willimon's new play Spirit Control the other day and I thought it was really excellent and totally different from anything I had read of his in the past. Anna Kerrigan's new play Paradigm From California is really superb, chilling and stayed with me for weeks after reading it. I think Amy Herzog and Carly Mensch are also going to be putting up smart, funny, moving plays for the next fifty years or so. Also Liz Meriwether's play Oliver is wonderful and I think it's being up this spring at this great company StageFarm. Some of the slightly older folks who I was inspired by when I first moved here -- Adam Rapp, Christopher Shinn, Lucy Thurber, Melissa James Gibson, Stephen Belber, Julia Jordan, Adam Guettel and Jason Robert Brown -- are still writing terrific plays and musicals and I'm excited to see what they've got coming up this season. Also that Adam Szymkowicz fella is pretty great too.

Oct 1, 2009

I Interview Playwrights Part 64: Erin Courtney

Photo by Peter Bellamy   (Check out his upcoming book of photographs of playwrights!)

Erin Courtney

Hometown: Hermosa Beach, California

Current Town: Brooklyn, NY

Q: Tell me about what you're presenting at the Prelude festival.

A: I am presenting a reading of a new play called A MAP OF VIRTUE. Ken Rus Schmoll is directing. A Map of Virtue is a symmetrical play in which a bird statue guides us through a story of coincidence, tragedy and friendship. Part interview, part comedy, part strange middle of the night horror, a group of friends encounter evil and dissect their own responses to it. We have a great cast - Maria Striar, Matthew Dellapina, Birgit Huppoch, Matt Maher, Benton Greene, Matt Korahais and Normandy Sherwood.

Q: What else are you working on?

A: I will have a ten minute play in the Fall at the Flea Theater. The collection of short plays is called THE GREAT RECESSION. My piece is called "severed" and I am a big fan of all the other writers in the project - Thomas Bradshaw, Sheila Callaghan. Will Eno, Itamar Moses and Adam Rapp.

Ken Rus Schmoll and I are looking for a producer or a space to do a run of Black Cat Lost, which is a sort of an "entertainment" about mourning.

Q: Like me, you're married to another playwright. (The wonderful Scott Adkins) Would you suggest playwrights marry playwrights?

A: All playwrights should marry playwrights, but if you can't find a suitable playwright to marry then you should marry a very patient, generous and creative soul who appreciates your need to compulsively go see theater and write at odd hours and spend many hours at rehearsals.

Q: Can you tell me about teaching at Brooklyn College?

A: Teaching at Brooklyn College is something I am extremely grateful for. The genius of Mac Wellman continues to inspire me every day. He is a great mentor as a teacher and a playwright. Also, Mac chooses amazing grad students who are incredibly smart and courageous in their quest for finding new ways to make theater. So, it's a great job because I am continually learning and I never, ever take for granted that there is only way one to think about and make theater. It is an astounding community of artists.

Q: What advice do you have for playwrights just starting out?

A: Write, Dream, Write down your dream when you wake up, go see great and bad and good theater, be nice to other playwrights and actors and directors, listen to good ideas, let yourself fall in love with your own plays, support your friends.

Link to Prelude: www.prelude.nyc.org