Jan 27, 2006

Ok, here is the explanation to my bizarre emails

The junk mail senders are sending me these poems to try and trick the spam getter ridder machines: Often appended at the end, in an attempt to flummox the filters, is a scrap of Dadaist poetry - "feverish squirt feat transconductance terrify broken trite fascist axis stultify floc bookshelves. " Sometimes this "word salad," as it has come to be called, is rendered in invisible ink - white letters on a white background - or hidden inside an embedded formatting command. I still find it fascinating. How does one get the job of writing the poem at the end of the spam? Can I be hired for this?


  1. "Word salad" is a psych term. I use it all the time at work. I hear some classic word salad daily. That's what my lil' black notebook is for...

  2. what does psych word salad refer to?


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