Aug 22, 2006

I keep discarding what I've written and starting over. I have a couple things I want to write but am not sure I'm ready to sit down at the computer with them yet. Their skeletons are still being built.

Went to a rehearsal last night of the workshop production of Pretty Theft going up at Juilliard Sept 9. It's going really well. Let me know if you want to go and I'll let you know how to get in to see it.


  1. nice image. i envision you, as dr. frankenstein, sitting cross-legged on the floor with a jumble of body parts around you... wait, that's me!

  2. floyd's nemsis wants go to.

  3. Can one of the new pieces be a pirate comedy?


  4. A pirate comedy? HAve you read Liz Duffy Adam's pirate comedy? It's fantastic.


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