Sep 9, 2009

on interviewing playwrights

Fifty is a lot of playwrights but if I think about it, I probably know five hundred or more. I know there are many I have not yet interviewed. I also know I might burn out or run out of questions before I get to one hundred. At the same time, I am constantly inspired by the playwright responses. There are a lot of amazing intelligent interesting people writing plays. And I feel distant from theater right now and this is my way of staying involved while I'm so far from NYC and unable to see many plays or write my own stuff. Anyway, I hope you've been enjoying them. Here's to 50 more!


  1. Hi Adam. Just discovered your blog and your fifty playwright profiles. Great idea. Only managed to review the last few but will certainly review more. Am a playwright myself, based in the UK - not professional, well, not yet anyway. Best wishes> Eddie

  2. I love it. Thank you for doing this!

  3. hello, i would like to read more about this interesting topic. I think that this information is very good.


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