Oct 31, 2009

Have you seen this yet?

Sorry to interrupt your playwriting interviews but you should check this out if you haven't yet.   Greg Mosher on the perilous state of arts organizations.

Gregory Mosher at CafeArts from CUarts on Vimeo.


  1. adam, i went to your blog here to read the interview you did with jeremy. i have him as a friend on facebook and was alerted to it. i saw the link to the mosher clip, and serendipitously it dovetailed with an idea i've been formulating for the last few years. i'm assuming that what he's taling about interests and concerns you, and so i'll also assume you'd be interested in what i think "the next step" is. instead of writng a page or more detailing the idea, i was wondering if we could have a chat over the phone. i will flip you an e-mail with my number and you can either call or flip me your number with a good time to call. thanks for your work here on this blog, i'll be reading these other interviews with enjoyment.

  2. Adam, I found this clip too a short while back and was glad you posted it on your page. As someone who runs a small theatre I constantly struggle with the "template" Mosher speaks of (subscriptions/ slots/ season/etc.). This created-in-the-60s regional theatre model is seemingly the only paradigm to follow if you are starting a company nowadays, and man, it is broken.
    I kinda wish Mosher had suggested more than just abstract solutions ("admit we have a problem..."), but it is significant that a heavy hitter like him is adressing this at all.
    I think it is ironic, too, that with the talk of new systems and such that this big talk to a small audience was recorded and posted on the internet so it could have a bigger audience. And now is being spread on blogs like yours.

  3. It is ironic. I wish I knew what the solution was.


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