Oct 22, 2009

I Interview Playwrights Part 80: Adam Bock

Adam Bock

Hometown:  Montreal

Current Town:  NYC

Q:  Can you tell me about your play The Flowers now running at About Face?

A:  Here's the marketing blurb (I find it  VERY hard to write the synopsis of a play) - "The gay couple that runs The Flowers acting company is as star-crossed s the forty year old actors they have playing Romeo and Juliet. For one of them, the world has become too small. The other can't imagine another life." and on and on.

Q:  You've worked with Trip Cullman a few times now.  How did that collaboration come about and what do you like most about him?

A:  Trip and I were introduced before I moved from San Francisco to NYC, but really met properly in the Soho Rep Writer/Director Lab, where I wrote The Thugs. He and I weren't paired up - but I remember thinking - ooooh I want to work with him. We did a bunch of readings and then finally got to do our first play together at Second Stage Uptown - Swimming in the Shallows.

Q:  What else are you working on?

A:  I'm working on a musical with Todd Almond - based on Shirley Jackson novel - We Have Always Lived in the Castle. I am writing a new play.

Q:  The Receptionist was just done in LA with Megan Mullally?  How was that?

A:  It's still going - it extended. I love that production - the directing and the acting is excellent and truthful.

Q:  What kind of theater excites you?

A:  I just saw Lip Sync by Robert Lepage at BAM - stunning. I love anything by Caryl Churchill. I am very excited to see Bruce Norris' new play and to see Annie Baker's play. I love Anne Washburn's work, and Young Jean Lee's, and am jazzed to see what Adam Rapp comes up with next. I love Kroetz. I am excited always to see Trip's work, and Anne Kauffman's and Ken Russ Schmoll's and Daniel Aukin's directing.

Q:   What advice do you have for playwrights just starting out?

A:  Get it put up. Anywhere at first. As often as possible. I keep learning by doing basically. And stay cool. It is more fun to work with people who are generous than geniuses.

Get yourself some Bock over here.


  1. Holy fucking hell!! A musical based on WE HAVE ALWAYS LIVED IN THE CASTLE?!?! I want to go there.

  2. I saw "The Receptionist" at the Odyssey a few weeks ago, with some friends. Wonderful!!!! Loved the play and the performances. Megan Mullally was fabulous, and so was the rest of the cast -- I particularly liked the actor playing her boss.

    Thank you for all these interviews, Adam!


  3. thanks. Yeah, Adam Bock is the bomb!

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