Dec 20, 2010

Just in time for the holidays, or for the actors

I have a monologue in this.  The 6th S and K book I have participated in.  Lots of great plays in it as you can see.  Buy it here.


All aboard the marriage hearse / Matt Morillo --
The Amish project / Jessica Dickey --
And Sophie comes too / Meryl Cohn --
Barrio Hollywood / Elaine Romero --
Beauty on the vine / Zak Berkman --
Black Forest / Anthony Giardina --
Cartoon / Steve Yockey --
The Columbine project / Paul Storiale --
Dead man's cell phone / Sarah Ruhl --
Don't talk to the actors / Tom Dudzick --
Dusty and the big bad world / Cusi Cram --
Emilie's Voltaire / Arthur Giron --
Emotion memory / Don Nigro --
For our Mothers & fathers / Crystal Skillman --
The framer / Edward Allen Baker --
The gingerbread house / Mark Schultz --
In the daylight / Tony Glazer --
In the next room, or, the vibrator play / Sarah Ruhl --
A legacy for the mad / Don Nigro --
Lost generation / Don Nigro --
Love drunk / Romulus Linney --
Mahida's extra key to heaven / Russell Davis --
New Jerusalem / David Ives --
Next fall / Geoffrey Nauffts --
The optimist / Jason Chimonides --
Or / Liz Duffy Adams --
Pretty Theft / Adam Szymkowicz --
Pussy / Laura Jacqmin --
Rat wives / Don Nigro --
Reasons to be pretty / Neil LaBute --
Rough sketch / Shawn Nacol --
The Savannah disputation / Evan Smith --
Scab / Sheila Callaghan --
The secret life of seagulls / Henry Meyerson --
Self phone / Brendon Etter --
Slow falling bird / Christine Evans --
Soul samurai / Qui Nguyen --
Southern rapture / Eric Coble --
Taking flight / Adriana Sevann Nichols --
The third story / Charles Busch --
Trojan Barbie / Christine Evans --
The understudy / Theresa Rebeck --
Unusual acts of devotion / Terrence McNally --
What once we felt / Ann Marie Healy --
Worse things / Mona Manour --
Yoo-hoo and Hank Williams / Gregory Moss --

The Cherry sisters revisited / Dan O'Brien --
The good Negro / Tracey Scott Wilson --
Iphigenia / Don Nigro --
Oohrah / Bekah Brunstetter --
Or / Liz Duffy Adams --Our house /Theresa Rebeck --
Parasite drag / Mark Roberts --
Rosalie was here / Maura Campbell --
Scab / Sheila Callaghan --
The secret life of seagulls / Henry Meyerson --
Slasher / Allison Moore --
Soul Samuri / Qui Nguyen --
Southern rapture / Eric Coble --
What once we felt / Ann Marie Healy --
Why torture is wrong, and the people who love them / Christopher Durang.


  1. hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!

  2. hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!

  3. hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!

  4. hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!

  5. I would like to invite you to visit my blog.

  6. hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!

  7. hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!


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