Dec 30, 2010

my 2010 in review

In 2010, I had a bunch of readings at places like Working Theater, Studio 42, Flux Theater Ensemble, The Off Theater, LAByrinth, The New Group, MCC Theater, Primary Stages, Southern Rep, Chicago Dramatists, and The William Inge Center For The Arts.

I took trips to Philly, San Francisco, London, Kansas, New Orleans, rural Pennsylvania, Upstate NY, Chicago, St. Louis, and Orange County, CA.

When I wasn’t traveling, I spent the year living in CT about 3 hours outside NYC in a cottage on a lake.

I did a silent retreat with Erik Ehn, a non-silent retreat with Flux, taught playwriting in Kansas and helped re-side a house.

I wrote 4 plays, 1 screenplay and a web series and started working on a musical with a composer and a lyricist.

I had 4 productions of full lengths in 2010, one of which was professional. I know of 12 planned productions for 2011 so far. And the web series will be filmed next year too.

I did mini-interviews of 199 playwrights bringing the total up to 299.

So yeah, it looks like this year was a busy one for me.  Looks like I did more than I thought.

Happy New Year!


  1. Congratulations! That's amazing!

    (Please help me feel like less of a slug and tell me you don't have a day job?)

  2. I had a few part time jobs this year, but you're right. No all day every day day job.

  3. That's outstanding, Adam! Congratulations on a great 2010, and what looks to be an even more exciting 2011!


  4. Hi Adam
    Happy new year to you. Congrats on your achievements and in particular your site. I love the playwright interviews. Very inspiring. If you haven't already done so, what about some from across the pond for 2011? (UK?)Keep up the good work. Eddie C (a UK playwright)

  5. Thanks, Ellen. Eddie, I've interviewed a couple but mostly I don't know who the playwrights are across the pond. Who should I be interviewing?

  6. You know me, and I'm across the pond with Eddie lol

  7. who should I be interviewing cross the pond?


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