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1100 Playwright Interviews

1100 Playwright Interviews A Sean Abley Rob Ackerman E.E. Adams Johnna Adams Liz Duffy Adams Tony Adams David Adjmi Keith Josef Adkins Nicc...

Dec 30, 2012

My 2012 In Review

I had 11 productions of my plays this year, including Hearts Like Fists in LA and NYC which were both without a doubt the best received productions I've had.  Most recently I had 2 plays in NYC at the same time which was exhausting but good.  Four of my plays premiered this year and each of my published plays had at least one production.  At the moment, there are 5, maybe 6 productions scheduled for 2013, including Clown Bar with Pipeline in March and perhaps two plays in Lima, Peru, both in Spanish.

This year I wrote a screenplay in the spring and a play in the fall.

I'm sad to say my web series Compulsive Love isn't out yet but I think it will be out soon.  I can't wait for you to see it.  I started writing a new web series I'll be excited to tell you about soon.

One ongoing project is making My Base and Scurvy Heart into a musical with Dan Moses Schreier and Matt Sherwin.  As part of my 2 month residency at the Inge Center this fall, we did a workshop and we were able to try some stuff out.  Cady Huffman, Nellie McKay and Sean McDermott came to Kansas to help us out with it along with some other cool people.

I taught playwriting to freshmen high school students in a tiny town in Kansas for two months and wrote a new play while I was there.

Also spent the year writing an animated pilot and bible with Ruben Carbajal and Larry Kunofsky, a half hour comedy called supersomethings about a group of D-list superheroes living in a city overrun with superheroes.  We'll start pitching that soon.

I was fortunate to go to the Orchard Project where I did some revisions of existing plays and plotted another with Bradford Louryk.

What else?  The playwright interviews continue.  There were 126 new interviews this year bringing the total up to 542.

Kristen and I took a mini vacation last winter in Cap Cod.  That was nice.  Were able to spend a little time in CT in summer on a lake.  Was at Little Pond with Flux at their annual retreat.  I started consulting for Broadway producers and took on a volunteer lit mgr position.  Also read a bunch of scripts for various things for money.  Probably read 140 scripts or so.  Went to Roanoke VA to see student readings at Hollins.  Was in LA for a bit.  Christmas in St. Louis and Charlottesville. 

Whew.  Looks like it was actually a busy year for me.  Wonder what the next will hold.  Glad the world didn't end.

Happy New Year, Everyone!

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