Mar 14, 2013

We were SOLD OUT. Now we're EXTENDED.

Clown Bar Extended!

We completely sold out (like SOLD OUT sold out) our current run but luckily we figured out a way to extend.  Clown Bar will now run until April 12.  Three more weeks!  For a total of 7!

New dates--

Friday, March 29, 9PM
Saturday, March 30, 9PM
Thursday, April 4, 8PM
Friday, April 5, 8PM
Thursday, April 11, 8PM
Friday, April 12, 8PM
But please buy tickets now in the not-unlikely case we sell out all those performances too.

The reviews have been great and the audience response awesome:

Critic’s Pick; “Adam Szymkowicz’s script is unabashedly silly but also shrewd, paying homage to film noir and pulp novels.” --New York Times

"Mr. Szymkowicz has created a new world out old parts, breeding a brand new species of creative animal. He is, in fact, making his own rules – and the pleasure of obeying them is all ours." –New York Theatre Review

“The script is tight and funny—hard-boiled schtick.” --The Fifth Wall

“Adam Szymkowicz’s script is a case study in meticulously crafted playfulness… some of the most quotable lines ever heard in a play… Clown Bar is a fantastic way to spend your evening. If you love clowns, go see this show. If you hate clowns, go see this show.” 

“Clown Bar does detective story spoofs one better by employing every single familiar crime-movie trope — brooding hero, crazy crime boss, conflicted gun moll, hooker with a heart of gold — and making them all...well, clowns. It’s weird how well this works: playwright Adam Szymkowicz has combined two inherently ridiculous forms of entertainment and created a perfect storm of ridiculousness.” --Theatre Is Easy

“There’s not a streak out of place in Clown Bar‘s greasepaint; I can’t think of a better nightcap than the shot of extra funny currently being served by Pipeline Theatre Company.” --That Sounds Cool

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