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Jul 26, 2022

90 New Monologues

I tried writing some new things the last couple of years. The jury is still out on what will happen to the YA novels I wrote. But another thing I tried was writing new monologues. For about three months last summer I wrote a monologue most days in the morning.

Most of my plays have monologues in them and there has been a steep uptick in the past five years in the number of actors doing my monologues in auditions and acting classes.

I thought I would lean into it and put even more monologues in the world. So I wrote these 60 monologues and I sent it to applause and they liked it and asked me to write some more. And I did. So now there are 90 or so monologues collected in a book coming out in early 2023.

And it is now available for preorder. So maybe you know an actor or an acting teacher who would like it. Maybe you could ask your local library for it. Maybe you could buy a bunch of copies and donate them to a theater program.

Anyway, pitch over. I'm super happy about this and proud of it and glad it worked out. If applause said no, there aren't a lot of other publishers of monologues, so I'm feeling very lucky. And I'm sure this isn't a moneymaking endeavor. It's the theater person's version of writing a bunch of poems. So more than anything it feels like I wrote this gift for you. (Although the book does cost money.) But I think you'll like it. And I love the cover.

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