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Aug 28, 2024

I Interview Playwrights Part 1119: Lour Yasin

Lour Yasin

Hometown:  Jerusalem, Palestine.

Current Town:  New York City, NY.

Q:  What are you working on now?

A:  I’m currently involved in several exciting projects. One of them is Under The Sheet, a new musical I composed that blends Hip-Hop, Rap, Mariachi, and Aztec music with Broadway elements. It recently debuted at Green Room 42, The Dramatist Guild Foundation, and IRT Theatre.

I’m also thrilled about AREA D, a Palestinian Pop/Punk musical that I’m developing. AREA D emerged from a playful idea to shake up the musical theater scene and experiment with blending Middle Eastern music with Broadway and pop in innovative ways. The inspiration struck me during the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest hosted by Israel, where Palestinians were excluded from participating. This sparked the concept of imagining a Palestinian pop-punk band in a Eurovision-like competition, flipping the script on traditional narratives.

The plot of AREA D follows a Palestinian band as they navigate an absurd, whimsical competition filled with political satire and unexpected twists. It’s not about winning the competition but rather about the journey, the challenges they face, and how they challenge stereotypes through their music. AREA D explores themes of identity, belonging, and the power of music to break down ideological borders.

Additionally, I’m developing a new folk musical set to debut off-Broadway in early 2025. It’s a playful folk tale with a lot of magic, and while I can't reveal too much yet, I’m excited about how it’s shaping up.

Q:  Tell me, if you will, a story from your childhood that explains who you are as a writer or as a person.

A:  Growing up in Jerusalem, I was always surrounded by stories—both in the form of cultural folklore and the everyday experiences of my community. I remember sitting with my family, listening to tales that transported me to different times and places, making me realize the power of storytelling. My fascination with these narratives pushed me to start writing my own stories and, eventually, to explore how I could blend my cultural roots with contemporary art forms like theater and music. It’s this blend of the traditional and the modern that defines my work today.

Q:  If you could change one thing about theater, what would it be?

A:  I would make theater more accessible to diverse voices, both in terms of the stories being told and the people telling them. We need more platforms that support underrepresented artists and more opportunities for marginalized communities to see themselves represented on stage. It’s not just about inclusion; it’s about ensuring that the full spectrum of human experiences is reflected in our art.

Q:  Who are or were your theatrical heroes?

A:  Lin-Manuel Miranda has been a huge inspiration for me, not just because of his groundbreaking work in musical theater but also because of his dedication to promoting diversity and representation. I also admire the work of artists like Suheir Hammad, whose poetry and performances deeply resonate with my own cultural experiences, and Sarah Kane for her raw, boundary-pushing plays.

Q:  What kind of theater excites you?

A:  I’m excited by theater that takes risks, challenges norms, and isn't afraid to push boundaries. I love works that blend genres, such as musicals that incorporate non-traditional music styles or plays that use multimedia elements to enhance storytelling. Theater that makes you think, question, and feel deeply—that’s what excites me the most.

Q:  What advice do you have for playwrights just starting out?

A:  Be fearless and authentic in your storytelling. Write about what matters to you, even if it feels risky or unconventional. Don’t wait for permission to tell your story—just start writing. And surround yourself with a supportive community that believes in your vision. Collaboration and feedback are invaluable, so seek out other creatives who inspire and challenge you.

Q:  Plugs, please:

A:  Exciting things are happening! Under The Sheet, a musical I composed that blends Hip-Hop, Rap, Mariachi, and Aztec music with Broadway elements, is having its world premiere at IRT Theatre this August. I'm also thrilled to announce that AREA D, my Palestinian Pop/Punk musical, will have a run at The Tank in September, followed by a run at Joe’s Pub/The Public Theater sometime in late October/ Early November.

Additionally, I’m developing a new folk musical set to debut off-Broadway in early 2025. It’s a playful folk tale with a lot of magic in it, and while I can’t reveal too much just yet, I’m excited about its premise.

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