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Apr 13, 2007

I don't want to live in a celebrity culture

Sometimes I can't stand it.

When will it be over?


Malachy Walsh said...

Me niether.

And yet all the "celebrities" I've met were actually kind of cool people once I actually got to talking to them.

Not that I've met a lot of terribly famous people, but you know what I'm talking about.

It's those fucking ET shows that I hate.

Oh, and a lot of that "make fun of stuff we did yesterday 70s, 80s, 90s" crap on MTV and VH1 that employs all the stand-ups and bad actors who don't seem to have anything better to do.

J W said...

me too.

but the best way to get rid of it, is to defame it. so if everyone were stars, then noone would be.

we can both be stars, and for only $19.95: http://www.starnamer.net/

Jamespeak said...

When will it be over?

You're funny, Szymkowicz.

Adam Szymkowicz said...

well, maybe I'll move to europe. they don't care about britney spears there do they?>

Anonymous said...
