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1100 Playwright Interviews

1100 Playwright Interviews A Sean Abley Rob Ackerman E.E. Adams Johnna Adams Liz Duffy Adams Tony Adams David Adjmi Keith Josef Adkins Nicc...

Sep 8, 2010

upcoming, this month


Reading of Hearts Like Fists 
at Flux Theater Ensemble's Food:Soul

Judson Memorial Church
55 Washington Square Park (Corner of Thompson Street)
New York, NY
Food:Soul features good food, good company, and a fully staged reading of a play Flux is passionate about developing and sharing with you - all for free!

The Play: HEARTS LIKE FISTS by Adam Szymkowicz
The Director: Keith Powell
...Dinner is at 7:30pm and the stage reading starts at 8:00pm (play runs 90min)
If some of you are itching to share your culinary expertise,
food donations are welcome but NOT required.

HEARTS LIKE FISTS is a superhero noir comedy about the dangers of love.
Dr X is sneaking into people's apartments late at night and injecting lovers with a serum that stops their hearts. Lisa joins the Crimefighters, a group of crimefighting women, to stop him. Peter, a heart doctor, is trying to create an artificial heart that can be mass produced so no one will fear to sleep with their lovers again.


Reading of Fat Cat Killers
at the New Group

FAT CAT KILLERS by Adam Szymkowicz
Directed by Luke Harlan
Greg Keller, Michael Puzzo, Jeff Biehl

A dark comedy about aspiration and recession.  After getting laid off, Michael and Steve decide to kidnap the CEO of the company who let them go.

Prior developmental readings at LAByrinth Theater, The Lark, MCC Theater, The Working Theater, Ars Nova Play Group.

Monday, September 20th
Studio Theatre at Theatre Row
410 West 42nd Street
Fourth Floor
RSVP to James at james at thenewgroup dot org
If you're wondering which one to go to, go to Flux.  We may be a little overbooked for the New Group.   If you can't attend either, worry not.  There are a lot more Szymkowicz happenings coming up.

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