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1100 Playwright Interviews

1100 Playwright Interviews A Sean Abley Rob Ackerman E.E. Adams Johnna Adams Liz Duffy Adams Tony Adams David Adjmi Keith Josef Adkins Nicc...

Dec 31, 2006

what the fuck is a meme?

Ok, so I’ve been tagged twice for this. I generally stay out but I guess I don’t want the wrath of Matt Freeman ( http://matthewfreeman.blogspot.com/ ) or my ex-roommate, ( http://litdept.blogspot.com/2006/12/i-was-it-now-youre-it.html )both of them terrific playwrights who have the ability to crush a person if you know what i mean. This is what I have to do: 1) Find the nearest book 2) Open to page 123 3) Type lines 6 - 8 of said book 4) Tag three others. 1 Women by Charles Bukowski 2 ok 3 opened it. I took it an hid it in the broom closet. “Bobby,” she said over the phone, “this is Tammie. Did you just phone? Where’s your wife? Listen, I’ll be right down.” 4 I refuse to tag three others. I tag everyone instead. If you read this you must do it. If you don’t have a blog, you must email it to three people. Or you could say fuck you Adam and loudly refuse to do it and curse my name in public and private. But please do something, for christsake, oh and HappyNewYear!!!

Dec 28, 2006

and then there were some

I have to revise incendiary in the next few days.
It's going up at Juilliard in mid-Feb starring 2nd
year Juilliard actors and directed by Mr. Kip Fagan.
Here are the dates:

Wednesday, February 14th @1:30pm
Thursday, February 15th @ 7:00pm
Friday, February 16th @ 7:00pm
Saturday, February 17th @ 2:00pm
Sunday, February 18th @ 7:00pm

Hope you can make one of these. I didn't anything
done on the revision but got some novelling work done


Of course my
word count is far behind those novel-a-month november
writers but i hope to have my first draft done before
my 30th birthday in August.

Hope everyone is having a good holiday.

Dec 21, 2006

Here is

a seven minute musical from Kip Fagan and Herbert
Bergel starring many Seattle theaterites you know and


Dec 19, 2006

from ny times


"The detainee was Donald Vance, a 29-year-old Navy
veteran from Chicago who went to Iraq as a security
contractor. He wound up as a whistle-blower, passing
information to the F.B.I. about suspicious activities
at the Iraqi security firm where he worked, including
what he said was possible illegal weapons trading"


"Even Saddam Hussein had more legal counsel than I
ever had," said Mr. Vance, who said he planned to sue
the former defense secretary, Donald H. Rumsfeld, on
grounds that his constitutional rights had been
violated. "While we were detained, we wrote a letter
to the camp commandant stating that the same
democratic ideals we are trying to instill in the
fledgling democratic country of Iraq, from simple due
process to the Magna Carta, we are absolutely,
positively refusing to follow ourselves."