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Jan 11, 2007

a book of poetry by my high school english teacher


in the desert

I'm having a reading of my new political play
Searching at 2:30 at Juilliard on the 23rd. If anyone
wants to come please let me know and I'll put you on
the security list.

bush, sociopath?

I have this recurring daydream that I will lose all my
memory and will have to use my cell phone to figure
out who I am. And I try to imagine what people in my
cell phone would say if I called them and asked them
who I was. I've been thinking about this a lot.
Maybe it will become a play.

I recently put in my parent's phone number into my new
phone under "mom and dad" even though the number has
remained unchanged for all my life and there is no
sane reason for me to have that number programmed into
my phone. I'd like to think that when I get amnesia I
will call them first. Of course they won't be home
and I wouldn't know to call K. I may change her
number in my phone to say girlfriend. If you had
amnesia, would you dial the number programmed into
your phone as significant other or would you assume
it's a business or something?

what is your recurring daydream/fear?

on writing


thanks to malachy
