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Sep 5, 2017

Jack and Jill Plays - Part 20 - No Chairs

About Jack and Jill Plays:

This is a new thing I'm doing.  Posting a short play every day as long as I can.  This does not mean that I wrote this play today but I might have.  (My life is not always my own what with work and a 4 year old running around so maybe I wrote it today or maybe it was stockpiled in preparation for the days I can't get in writing.)  My goal is to do at least 100 of these or maybe more but probably 45 or 50 is the length of a full length play so even that would be good.  100 would be better.  300?  amazing.  500?  Does anyone want 500 of these plays?  Anyway, the goal is consecutive days.

The normal things about plays apply-- don't produce or reproduce this play without my permission.  I wrote it so I own it.  Etc.

No Chairs
by Adam Szymkowicz

(JACK and JILL are eating lobsters.  There are no chairs.)

Try this one.  It's succulent.

Mine too.

No, this one's better.

(trying hers)
Oh that is good.  It's too bad we spent all our money on this.

You mean all our money?

Yeah.  All of it.

That is too bad.  Open the champagne.

(JACK pops the cork.  They cheer.  He pours some for each of them.)

We are lucky motherfuckers.

We really are.

When I get money again, I'm going to buy a chair.


I'm tired of standing.

When will we have money again?

(They think.  They think.  They get depressed.)

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