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1100 Playwright Interviews

1100 Playwright Interviews A Sean Abley Rob Ackerman E.E. Adams Johnna Adams Liz Duffy Adams Tony Adams David Adjmi Keith Josef Adkins Nicc...


Mar 22, 2007

A review of Nerve is on the bottom of this page.


I don't really know what language this is but very
different words pop up based on the language I plug
into the translator.

Possible pull quotes include:

"quantity with suckles"

"exceptionally had witty comedy"

"spicy comedy on the first assembly"

"Amusingly, spicy, unpretending plus dynamic"

"to get dow on one's marrowbones"

And of course

"Sportfully, spritedly, unpretentious i zippy —
wrinkly svih velièina with kojima are yourself nark
put susreli somewhat opu¹tanja yum-yum doðe."

Descriptions of me include:

Adams Szymkowicz (conspicuously Husk countryman, limit
with amerièkom superscription)

Adam Szymkowicz (barely Husk compatriot, but with
amerièkom Address)

Adam Szymkowicz (nakedness Test landsman, whether with
amerièkom mailer)


Adam Szymkowicz (oèito Highwayman bread pudding, ali
with Yankee superscription)

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