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1100 Playwright Interviews

1100 Playwright Interviews A Sean Abley Rob Ackerman E.E. Adams Johnna Adams Liz Duffy Adams Tony Adams David Adjmi Keith Josef Adkins Nicc...

May 14, 2007

thank you for visiting

I have not done a lot to make my blog particularly
user friendly. I often don't try to entertain you. I
don't spellcheck. sometimes I go for long stretches
without posting any content of my own and instead just
post links to things I find interesting. Sometimes I
post a bunch of pictures that have perhaps no interest
to anyone except me. Sometimes I go a long time
without posting any pictures at all. Also, I post
scenes from plays. No one likes to read scenes off
the computer taken out of context. I am sometimes
snarky and/or ironic or possibly snarky and ironic yet
not funny. My blogroll is not in any particular order
and is probably incomplete and not up to date. Also I
don't link to others as much as I could.

I've been doing this blog thing for over two years now
and my audience is gradually growing despite the fact
that I don't seem to cater to anyone and don't much
think about audience or anyone besides me really.

So, thanks.

Please know that I will continue to give you the kind
of quality you have come to expect.

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