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1100 Playwright Interviews

1100 Playwright Interviews A Sean Abley Rob Ackerman E.E. Adams Johnna Adams Liz Duffy Adams Tony Adams David Adjmi Keith Josef Adkins Nicc...

Dec 23, 2007


Give to the fine folks at the 24 Seven Lab



a Christmas song for you

**warning: explicit content. may not be appropriate for people like my relatives who might decide to read my blog right before xmas. end of warning** I gave my heart to Jesus When I was just thirteen He was the sweetest deity I had ever seen He gave his soul to save us He gave his life to God But when I think of Jesus I don’t think of his bod I think of someone jolly I think of someone bright Someone who watches me In the middle of the night Someone a little husky and a trifle overfed Someone who gulps milk And gingerman bread Someone unshaven Who's always in red That’s the man I’m cravin’ In my Christmas bed Cause, I want to f*ck Saint Nick I want to suck on that candy cane dick Is it nice, naughty, or against the laws I don’t care I want to f*ck Santa Claus Another office party Halls all decked with cheer Mistletoe and presents “What do you want this year” After three more cups I’ll f*ck whoever’s here Peter from accounting Is who I’ll be mounting Josh from shipping and receiving Is asking when I’m leaving Andrew from HR Is going to get his car Michael the VP wants to give me a VD But they’re all a bunch of cretins, louts, and dopes I want someone else to show me the ropes You know what I want for Christmas I want to f*ck Saint Nick I want to suck on that candy cane dick Is it nice, naughty, or against the laws I don’t care I want to f*ck Santa Claus I’m getting kind of itchy The hour’s fast approaching It’s the night before Christmas I could use some coaching Would Santa like leather? Would he prefer lace? When he comes down the chimney Should I just sit on his face? Do I need to knock off his old lady? Just in case I’m hanging round the chimney With a smile on my face I want to f*ck Saint Nick I want to suck on that candy cane dick Is it nice, naughty, or against the laws I don’t care I want to f*ck Santa Claus

Dec 20, 2007


the biopsy says it's an allergic reaction

but to what?

I need to get rid of this fucking thing.

Yay! oh, but we're no Finland.


'tis the season to donate

other places to give this holiday season Exciting new theater!! Page 73 Clubbed Thumb Nosedive Productions Caring about humans! BROADWAY CARES/EQUITY FIGHTS AIDS Heifer International City Harvest And of course you can play this for free to give rice while proving how smart you are: Freerice

I want to read plays

Someone explain this to me:

Why is there no online bookstore that has all play publishers?

If I want to read a bunch of plays by a particular playwright, how do
I track them down?

It's easy if they're published by DPS or Sam French, but the other
publishers suck at visibility.

There should be an aggregate.

Is there one that exists that I'm missing?

Dec 19, 2007

the numbers

throat cultures

urine samples

times blood taken

dermatology biopsy

medications given

doctors seen by appointment

doctors and other medical staff who came in the room yesterday to look
at my rash
7? maybe 8.

number of tiny red dots on skin
very many still

what's wrong with Adam?
strep? mono? virus? allergy?
we're not exactly sure still.
but there are some test results we're waiting for.
nobody eat any peanuts because we just don't know what will happen.

supply closet

overworked at work. talk soon

Dec 17, 2007

from the Blue Coyotes

I love them. I fully support you supporting them.
Blue Coyote Theater Group 380 Broadway 4th Fl. New York, NY 10013
We're proud to say that Blue Coyote Theater Group has continued to thrive in 2007. And we don't just mean settling into our new home at the Access Theater, or overseeing the exciting improvements there. The truth is that we continue to produce inspiring, irreverent, and unpredictable theater all throughout the year and nothing can hold us back�except cash. In 2007, we:
  • Continued to nurture the next generation of great American playwrights with acclaimed productions of David Johnston's The Oresteia, Matthew Freeman's award-winning Interview With The Author, and Kristen Palmer's Departures.
  • Extended our wildly successful Standards of Decency Project, featuring nine original short plays by our favorite playwrights.
  • Won a promotional grant from the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council to redesign our website and install a BCTG sign on Broadway!
  • Were named 2006 People Of The Year by NYTheatre.com!
  • �and with our October presentation of Kristen Palmer's Departures, we reached an remarkable milestone: our 20th full-scale production.
To continue all these efforts, we're announcing the 2007 Year-End Fund Drive. Our goal is to raise $15,000 from our friends, family, and audiences. We're trying to get 50% of our patrons and fans to make some contribution, of any size, by December 31st, 2007. You can contribute by writing a check to Blue Coyote Theater Group at the address above or clicking on the Donate Now link below.
Donate to Blue Coyote
2008 is certain to be our best year yet, but we need your participation to pull it off. By making a contribution, you help ensure that our distinctive brand of theater makes it to the stage. And if you know someone who would like to give, but might not yet be on our list, please forward this email to them! Every little bit helps. All the best to you and yours this holiday season, The Coyotes (Bob, Kyle, Gary & Stephen)
Donate to Blue Coyote
P.S. Save the date for Blue Coyote's post-holiday My Body Is A Temple Party on Saturday, January 12th, 2008. You'll want to treat yourself right!
So because of being covered in itchy red splotches (which I have still not rid myself of) and being on medication that makes me tired, my life has slowed down quite a bit. I'm cooking for myself more. (weird dishes containing no corn, soy, peanuts or wheat) and I'm spending a lot of time at home. I've lost weight because I've stopped drinking beer and eating reeses peanut butter cups. So I am arguably living healthier. I am unable to write really but at the same time I'm sort of enjoying the vacation. I forgot what it was like to go home after work or to leave parties early. Being less frantic can be ok. And the work is piling up sure. there is lots I want to write and rewrite but maybe I don't need to do it right now. Maybe I can let the plays be out there being read and relax a little, at the very least for a few weeks, right? Maybe. Buy my friend Jodi's book. Available on the 26th. Or buy my plays. available now. and go see Local Story already. Jesus. You haven't gone yet?

Dec 13, 2007

this weekend

From an email from MCC. Hope to see you there! Every month we have a reading of a new play, but in December we have a reading of lots of new plays. (Short plays – don’t worry.) All by members of the MCC Playwrights’ Coalition, all written for the occasion, and all on a holiday theme. This December is no different – it’s time for the MCC PlayLab to get festive. With a twist. Sunday December 16, 5pm Holiday Dis-Ease short plays by: Ashlin Halfnight, Ann Marie Healy, Rami Metal, Mark Schultz , Julian Sheppard. Blair Singer, Gary Sunshine, & Adam Szymkowicz What is Holiday Dis-Ease? Uncomfortable family gatherings? Christmastide plague? Dunno. Hopefully the playwrights do – we’ll be hearing their interpretations of and musings on this theme in their plays. The plays and the party (after the plays, as is our fashion) are at: Engelman Recital Hall, Baruch College 25th Street between Lexington and Third (closer to Lex, on the south side of the street) Hope you can make it. Bring friends!

last night

I saw Is He Dead last night.

It was a good time.

If you want to see a fun and very funny comedy, I highly recommmend.

Dec 12, 2007

from Andrew Sullivan


"We live in a country where the government can detain indefinitely,
torture in secret, and then secretly destroy the tapes of torture
sessions to protect its own staff"

h/t daisey


from daisey


". . .disasters -- unnatural ones like military coups (Pinochet's
Chile) and war (Iraq) as well as natural ones (the Asian tsunami and
Hurricane Katrina) -- allow governments and multinationals to take
advantage of citizen shock and swiftly impose corporate-friendly
policies. The result: a wealthier elite and more-beleaguered middle
and lower classes."

good morning

I finally saw Sicko last night and it depressed the hell out of me. How is it possible that we've let the very rich take over this much? (Not all the very rich. Bill Gates is doing good with his money.) But Jesus, the gun lobbyists make sure anyone can get ahold of automatic weapons, while the insurance companies are literally killing people to save money. And the worst part of it is that Hillary is on their payroll!! After the Jungle came out there was a public outcry and the FDA was created to make food companies accountable. How is it that the HMOs are not accountable to anyone? Why hasn't there been a major outcry? I am one of the last people to see this film. Why has this problem not been solved? Watching the way people live in other countries makes me want to move to France or Canada or England or someplace with socalized medicine. France is like a dream. I could be making more money, working less, getting vacations... Life is good elsewhere. Not that I want to leave New York, but how long can I keep going? I'm saddled with 600 a month in college debt. I am in my day job because of that debt and because I need the insurance and I feel trapped and am often miserable and always exhausted. And I still have hives, unfortunately. And I'm freaking glad I have insurance right about now. But I want more time to write and less time in public transportation and in an overcrowded office at my cubicle doing tasks that daily seem more and more pointless.

Dec 7, 2007

What you can do

Stop Bush's war on the poor. Isaac tells us how to help.


what's going on

So I broke out in hives this time last week, dosed myself with benadryl, went to the doctor who dosed me with something stronger. So I've been unable to write or drink alcohol or do anything fun all week. On top of that I had to have blood drawn, which as many of you know sometimes causes me to vomit or faint. (not this time, happily but it wasn't fun) Yesterday the doctor called me with a report from my blood test on what I'm allergic to. Basically everything. I am "highly allergic" to clams, corn, soybeans, wheat, peanuts, walnuts, and scallops. I am also allergic to shrimp, codfish, eggwhites and have a slight allergy to milk. On top of the allergies I already have to chicken and turkey which if ingested makes it hard for me to breathe, I'm not looking forward to a life of flourless brownies and never being able to buy sandwiches at a store or eat bread at a restaurant. never mind that I can't have a freaking peanut butter and jelly sandwich anymore. Or cornbread. But I have an allergist appointment on Monday and hopefully they will tell me with better accuracy what I can and can't eat. And hopefully I'll be able to write this weekend. In other news, it looks as though Food For Fish will be performed at a college in Michigan and a college in North Dakota this spring. And Deflowering Waldo will be done in Wisconsin around the same time.

Dec 5, 2007

Support off-off theater

I’m taking Matt Freeman’s lead. Along with the worthy places he mentions that you may want to support this holiday season, please consider giving a small (or large) donation to an exciting new company I’ve been getting to know recently, Flux Theatre Ensemble. They did a reading of mine last weekend and I was overwhelmed by their generosity and talent. I have also been taking part in their Sunday workshops which are always a blast. Their new season is exciting and ambitious, with a fantastic play by Gus Schulenburg called Other Bodies which I'm extremely impressed with. Also my favorite Shakespeare play, Midsummer and a trilogy of Johnna Adams plays in rep. Both Gus and Johnna are the real deal. And I hear good things about Shakespeare. You can read more about them here and here. Give to them here. Oh, and please feel free to leave notes on your favorite charities in the comments section.
more on the exploitation of New Orleans here


read this

Public housing in Katrina demolished to make way for the developers


Dec 4, 2007

Flux play reading this past weekend

I'm still home sick with hives. But you can read about my weekend and
play here in a charming post by Gus.


They're a great group and it was a fantastic event.