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1100 Playwright Interviews

1100 Playwright Interviews A Sean Abley Rob Ackerman E.E. Adams Johnna Adams Liz Duffy Adams Tony Adams David Adjmi Keith Josef Adkins Nicc...

May 13, 2008

So K's mother got us these forks and knives and things because we're getting married and in our new married life, we will have beautiful utensils. We just started using them and let me tell you I feel more like an adult than ever before. We are fancy now. We have class. We have shiny silverware. People could come over and have multi course dinners and eat with this silverware. Of course they would still have to drink out of a Porky Pig glass but that's another story.

May 12, 2008

Miss any of the Rapid Response Shows?

They're all right here:


Listen to them now

or later.

Collect them all.

Trade them with friends.

Random 10 for Monday

Kahlua Killers--Join the League Egg--Not for Duncan Sicily--Open Ham Sandwich on Rye Josh Hill--Don't Rain (On My Saturday) Formica Dogs--My Kitchen (And Your Bathroom) String for Pepe--Ball of Wax Sally's Underwater Goggles--Foam Sad Fingers--Long Dark Hallway Chimney Vibrations--Runk Fell Over--Druids

I'm going to see this

Are you?


May 8, 2008

what's going on with me

I'm allergic to dust mites apparently.

Had a couple TV meetings yesterday.

I'm still overworked and poor.

May 5, 2008

Joshua Kors article

Have you seen this? "Town is not alone. A six-month investigation has uncovered multiple cases in which soldiers wounded in Iraq are suspiciously diagnosed as having a personality disorder, then prevented from collecting benefits. The conditions of their discharge have infuriated many in the military community, including the injured soldiers and their families, veterans' rights groups, even military officials required to process these dismissals." "They say the military is purposely misdiagnosing soldiers like Town and that it's doing so for one reason: to cheat them out of a lifetime of disability and medical benefits, thereby saving billions in expenses."

what happened to congestion pricing


Great Post by Grote

I saw him last night


the Bush McCain challenge


How Theater . . .

I saw Daisey's How Theater Failed America last night. It's pretty great. I had seen it at under the radar originally and Daisey and Gregory sharpened it a bunch, trimmed the fat, added some arguments. It's playing at Joe's Pub for another week and then extending for a 6 week run at the barrow street theater. Get your tickets now. They are also setting up a weekly discussion after the show with panelists from all segments of theater. ADs and Stage managers and Actors, etc. Should be pretty great. I wish them luck.

I'm going here tonight

http://fluxtheatreensemble.blogspot.com/2008/04/imagination-compact.html hope to see you there.

Apr 30, 2008


Instead of fleshing out my pilot ideas, what have I been doing? Reading Jonathan Lethem's As She Climbed Across The Table. Making a list of funny/quirky/angst-ridden slogans that would look good on t-shirts and then trying and failing to make them into jpegs that could actualy go on T shirts. doing work at the day job. eating lots of cookies. heading to Ars Nova Play Group tonight.

Jewno (spoof) my friend Alissa is in


visit Rachel

Shukert has a book out. It is no doubt brilliant.

Visit her here:


Buy her book here:


Apr 29, 2008

short fiction for tuesday

There is a couch in a room somewhere. And no one is sitting there. There is a sun on a beach somewhere no one is sitting under. There are words in a safe somewhere no one will ever read. There is a signal high up in the air no one will ever see. When the children go out, they fill up their packs--sandwiches and juice boxes, lucky rocks, extra socks. They need to bring everything in case they go somewhere where there is nothing, or not enough. they need to be everything to know everything to see everything They need to breathe everything be everything When the children go to sleep, their dreams are watercolored versions of stories they've heard. When the children grow up, they dig a big hole in the sand, throw their packs in and bury them. Then they go for a walk and never come back. "Never come back!" they chant. "Never come back."

Apr 25, 2008

RRT this weekend--from isaac

This week is our final show of new work this season (our best of will be on Friday, May 16th) so we decided to go out in style with the Rapid Response Team's Guestapalooza!! Guests include: Critically acclaimed devising companies Collaboration Town and The Team, both of whom will be creating a new short radio piece based on the week's news, progressive blogger / youtube bandit extraordinaire Max Blumenthal who is just back in town from finishing his new book on the American Right, and the Food Network's latest star The Amateur Gourmet!! Neato. And you still get new short plays and sketches based on the week's news and a brand new story from resident storyteller Clay McLeod Chapman, hot off the victory lap that is Hostage Song!!! Stories we're working on include: ***Renting kids to perpetrate child support fraud***Branding children with crucifixes**PETA's Lab Created Meat***The Cult of Oprah***Staring on Subways***Candidates on WWE**And More! Here's the info: Rapid Response Team's Guestapalooza This Sunday, April 27th at 8PM The Bowery Poetry Club on 1st and Bowery Tickets are $10 at the door. See you then!