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Aug 21, 2008

now, i bike everywhere I go

This week I read White Teeth, Neverwhere and the Confessions of Max Tivoli. I did some writing on the novel, turned in a draft of a pilot, visited the Walker Art Space during the day. Next week I start temping. My life of leisure had to end eventually. And then later that week, Freeman comes to town to show me how to party down at the state fair. What are you up to? I need a new book to read. any suggestions? How about a Gaiman recommendation? I loved Neverwhere.


Jaime said...

My two favorite Gaiman books are actually his collections of short pieces - Smoke and Mirrors, and Fragile Things. Both are supremely excellent. His only grownup novel I've read, I must admit, is American Gods, which is eh. Coraline (a young readers novel) is also fantastic. Gosh, I love that man a lot. I can come up with book recs from other authors, too, if you like.

-Jaime, who spent high school working in a book store

Zack Calhoon said...

I completely agree. "American Gods" is amazing. As well as "Fragile Things". "The Sandman" of course is a classic. "Stardust" is lots fun.

anonymous said...

Gaiman's short story "Snow Glass Apples" is totally creepy and awesome. If you can find the radio play recording of it with Bebe Neuwirth, even better. Also, if you liked White Teeth, you may enjoy The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen.

Joshua James said...

I really liked American Gods, too.

But for a complete change of pace, since you're close to farm country, have you read ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL? If not, I think you should.

BTW, Gaiman has a blog, if you don't know already, I got it linked.

I look forward to reading your blog in the winter, heh-heh.

Adam Szymkowicz said...

thanks, Guys. I will check all these out. Laura, I love the Corrections. Jamie, pls do make more recs. I'm going to take advantage of the Minneapolis library.

Joshua James said...

You know, a young adult book I absolutely loved is RASCAL, by Sterling North - if you've never read it, I can't recommend it enough . . . check it out.

Unknown said...

Jack McDevitt's INFINITY BEACH, POLARIS, and SEEKER are great science fiction summer reading. They all read like bestseller mysteries only set in science fiction universes. I really like those. And if you haven't read Orson Scott Card's ENDERS GAME, stop everything else in your life and do that next.

Anonymous said...

Jonathan Miles', Dear American Airlines, snuck in this summer as our favorite read. Funny and kind of exquisite in its sadness....

a man is stuck in the airport and going to miss his daughters wedding. He decides to write a letter to the airline, and out comes his life.

Hey Joshua - maybe he saw your short play about the guy in the airport and was inspired!

Kyle said...

You know, Orson Scott Card recently said we should overthrow the goverment if gay people are allowed to marry. So read his books if you want, just check them out of the library. I'm doing that with James Dobson, as I have a weird play idea and I feel like I need to read that mess, but I am not giving that fool my money.

As for Gaiman, I've never read his stuff, but a cool theater company in town is doing a stage adaptation of Mr. Punch. I liked that!

If you liked White Teeth, read Smith's On Beauty. Not because I recommend or anything, I just have a copy and need an excuse to dig into it. Maybe we could do an online book club!

So I basically have no books to recommend.

mbh said...

Aside from the excellent suggestions (esp "American Gods"), I suggest http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_Omens

Very funny book.

SallyStardust said...

I'm going to echo American Gods. It's one of my favorites. And his Sandman comics of course are amazing as well!

Sarah said...

If you decide to purchase a Neil Gaiman title while you're in Minneapolis, this is the place to do it:
DreamHaven Books

As of 8/30, they are located in south Minneapolis, on East 38th Street, between Cedar Avenue and Hiawatha (Hwy 55).

DreamHaven Books & Comics
2301 E 38th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55406-3015

I also recommend American Gods and Snow, Glass, Apples.

Adam Szymkowicz said...

Thanks, Everyone! I have a nice long list for the winter here now!

Anonymous said...

The only Gaiman I've read is Anansi Boys, but I liked it a lot.

My favorite book that I've recently read is The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, by Junot Diaz.

Also good--as in: better than you remember from high school?--is Candide.

Adam Szymkowicz said...

thanks, Eric!