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1100 Playwright Interviews

1100 Playwright Interviews A Sean Abley Rob Ackerman E.E. Adams Johnna Adams Liz Duffy Adams Tony Adams David Adjmi Keith Josef Adkins Nicc...

Jul 9, 2007

great post--excerpt below




We are faced with utterly shameless men. Cheney and
the rest are looking our representatives right in the
eye and saying "You don't have the balls to take down
a government. You don't have the sheer testicular
fortitude to call us lying sonuvabitches when we lie,
to stop us from kicking the rule of law and the
Constitution in the ass. You just don't. What's beyond
that abyss -- what that would do to our government and
our identity as a nation -- terrifies you too much. So
get the fuck out of our way."

And to a great degree, the White House is right. You
peel this back, and you reveal that the greatest
country in the world has been run, for the last six
and a half years, by men who do not give a shit about
the Constitution, or fair play, or honesty. No, not
just run by corrupt men, or bribe-takers, or
adulterers or whatever, we could handle that --no we'd
be admitting It Went Wrong.

There is a sizeable population in America that just
does not, cannot wrap their head around the fact that
the President may be a Bad Man who does Bad Things.
He's President of America. We're Americans. We're the
good guys. Remember, the Nixon mythos in America is
that the system worked. "See, in America, even the
President is not above the law."

Jul 7, 2007

retreat in MA

I've been outlining a screenplay all week. i was
hoping to have it done monday but it stretches on and
on as i reject previous plot points and search for
missing plot points. I'm getting to know the
characters and gradually the story is coming into
focus but I'm so impatient to start writing it I can't
stand it. Maybe by the end of the day I'll be close
enough to just start banging it out.

Frustrating. Still a couple important things missing.
And i clarify one character and then my main
character is all of a sudden getting lost. arrgh.
I'll get there.

Jul 6, 2007

cut from Susan gets some play

And another thing, where is the love for the funny
girls. It's like all the movie stars are so bland
these days. It's like society tells girls not to be
funny, but to just be pretty and boring so then they
can be like the pretty and boring girls in films with
no personality who are just waiting for the guy to
come along and like carry them away. I say bring back
the personality.

hal brooks


this sunday

You're Invited:

Sunday, July 8, 6pm
A community gathering in support of
AEA Showcase Reform

Classic Stage Company
136 E. 13th Street (between 3rd/4th avenues)

JOIN the conversation and help build a stronger, more
united Off-Off
community... come and be counted!

STOP BY for 5 minutes or an hour
LEARN about the ART/NY White Paper on AEA Showcase
MEET Off-Off-Broadway organizations united in support
of code reform
SIGN the simple petition (if you haven't yet done so

SHOW that the broad and diverse membership of the Off
Off Broadway
community -- actors, producers, directors, designers,
YOU --
welcomes a new approach to code reform, one that
sidesteps the
culture of complaint to articulate points of mutual
benefit for
actors and producers.
An Off-Off-Broadway that gains the flexibility to
operate at its
full potential will be the foundation of a theater
community at
large that is artistically and economically healthy.
Join us!

Learn more at www.nyc99.org.
See you at the gathering!

Coalition for Code Reform

Jul 4, 2007

Stalker in Ray Bans

You will find me
In the Garden
Shooting hoops
Between Smith and Court

You will see me at the Y
You will notice me on the street
I always nod politely
You always look at your feet

It'll be raining
And you're hanging around the first floor
Getting wet and smoking
And looking at my door

Stalker, I know it's cold out
Stalker, I know I sold out
Stalker, I won't change my routine
Stalker, I hope you know what that means

You will find me
In the Garden
Shooting hoops
Between Smith and Court

You will see me on the corner
You will notice me on the stoop
Reading DC comics
And eating stale fruit loops

It'll be snowing
But you're going to go out there in a hat
Breathing steam and freezing
And looking at my cat

Stalker, I know I'm not cool
Stalker, I went to public school
Stalker, you can't be here for me
Stalker, I appreciate the company

You will find me
In the Garden
Shooting hoops
Between Smith and Court

"War Criminal Commutes Sentence of Convicted Perjurer at Behest of Traitor"


h/t Ian


and Floyd makes a triumphant return?

a ..um Fourth of July play over at Blog Of Floyd


Jul 3, 2007


trying to get some work done out in the woods of MA.
No cell phone reception but the wifi is plentiful and

Exciting thing happened on sunday. I'll tell you

in the meantime, go here and pretend you read my book.


Jun 29, 2007

Thirty-two ways to say I love you in your Christ year

Thirty two ways to say I love you in your Christ year

I left something in the bathroom
I dropped something on the floor
I'll be right back, I swear to you
Don't walk out the door

Is that my shirt you're wearing?
Are you tired of this music?
Can I get you rum and soda?
Do you think you like this chorus?

I stole you this salt shaker
I want you to feel better
I didn't wash the dishes
Can you stand this weather?

Would you like a sandwich?
I can buy this for your mother.
Can you mix this in the mixer?
Would you like another?

I've get twenty things to say to you
Nineteen of them are the same
Please listen to each carefully
I've made you a nickname

I love the way your neck sparkles
I love the way the sky glows
I love the space between your words
And the odd shape of your nose
I know you find this funny
I know you think I'm old
I know you know I know you know
I know you're always cold
Take two of these with some water
Take me away from here
Are you done with the bathroom
Do you want one more beer?

susan prepares for getting play

Check out this video: intro

Add to My Profile | More Videos Check out this video: J and Susan practice the DATE

Add to My Profile | More Videos

The Susan Gets Some Play Video Blog (vlog?)


Climate Shift Tied to 150,000 Fatalities

Most Victims Are Poor, Study Says

By Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writer


My friend Evan created this:

Paula Abdul And Winston Churchill's Personal
Philosophies Virtually Interchangeable


Jun 28, 2007


Starting this weekend, K and I are taking a trip up to
artists housing in MA where we plan to write and read
and swim and jog for two weeks out in the wilderness.
I hope to start and finish a screenplay there.

I don't know if they get the internet in the woods of
MA so I may not post for a couple of weeks, or my
posting could increase tenfold. No way of knowing.
You will just have to stick it out and see.

From Mike Daisey

The on air reporter who refuses to have Paris Hilton
be her lead story. Good for her.


Jun 27, 2007

The night Bobby came back to town

The night Bobby came back to town We all dressed up and gathered round No one knew what was going down It would be a sight, there could be a fight Bobby stepped into the light Lisa said and we agreed It’d been ten years or so That Bobby left and we all stood Outside and watched him go Nina said he’d held her head And kissed her in the snow It would be a sight, there could be a fight Bobby stepped into the light He was unshaven, he was tired Some say retarded, some say inspired Dicky and Johnny both were wired It would be a sight, there could be a fight Bobby stepped into the light And he looked at us just standing there Needing his voice to cut the air He sat in silence in his chair This was the night, there could be a fight Bobby stepped into the light -- And then Bobby sung the song he sang the day he left: “This is a song for the lonely And the beautiful like you This is a song for the tired And for those who can’t break through This is a song if you’re the last one To stumble to your door A song for the unrequited A song if you want more” And we all joined in to sing along the song he sang the day he left “This is a song for the lonely And the beautiful like you This is a song for the tired And for those who can’t break through This is a song if you’re the last one To stumble to your door A song for the unrequited A song if you want more” Bobby left in the middle of the song We sang so loud ourselves We didn’t notice he was gone And if we sing that loud again Maybe he’ll be back along Someday “This is a song for the lonely And the beautiful like you This is a song for the tired And for those who can’t break through This is a song if you’re the last one To stumble to your door A song for the unrequited A song if you want more”

Jun 26, 2007

a clown song


You know it! You saw it! The space in the basement
They hide in the cupboard. They hide in the floor.
You know it! Confront it! The place where the face went.
They’re in there! They’re out there! Board up the door!!!

Cause once they come in here there’s no way to stop them.
They don’t listen to reason, don’t listen to rhyme.
They are knocking you over. They are pushing you under.
This time they will get you. They’ll get you this time.

You know it! You saw it! The space in the basement
Why didn’t you listen? I told you the score.
You knew it! You saw it! The place where the face went.
The clowns are all coming. Right through the door.



Cause now that they’re in here there’s no way to stop them.
They are licking your girlfriend, they are drinking your wine.
They are knocking you over. They are pushing you under.
This time they’ll outdance you. They’ll outdance you this time.

And the clown says:
Dance Motherfucker Dance
And your girlfriend says:
Dance Motherfucker Dance
And your friends all say:
Dance Motherfucker Dance


The Supply Closet

I'm going down to the supply closet
Going to get a ream of paper
I'm going down to the supply closet
Going to get a ream of paper

And I'm going to print up all those reports and
photocopy them so you can read them

That's the kind of day it is
That's the kind of day it is

I'm going down to the supply closet
Going to get a box of staples
I'm going down to the supply closet
Going to get a box of staples

Then I'll staple those papers together –so close
together for you like you've never seen

That's the kind of day it is
That's the kind of day it is

I'm going down to the supply closet
Gonna get a new blue pen
I'm going down to the supply closet
Gonna get a new blue pen

And I'll stab you in the eye with it
Stab you with my new blue pen
I will stab you and stab you
And stab you

That's the kind of day it is
That's the kind of day it is