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1100 Playwright Interviews

1100 Playwright Interviews A Sean Abley Rob Ackerman E.E. Adams Johnna Adams Liz Duffy Adams Tony Adams David Adjmi Keith Josef Adkins Nicc...

Dec 8, 2006

>From Andrew Sullivan


via Mike Daisey


"Some reports are issued and just gather dust. And
truth of the matter is, a lot of reports in Washington
are never read by anybody. To show you how important
this one is, I read it," - George W. Bush today.

Does he have to make Jon Stewart's job that easy?

Dec 5, 2006

manifesto for a theatregoer

The kind of theatre I want to see, the theatre I most enjoy, the theatre I am willing to pay money to see, the theatre I give the benefit of the doubt to even if it’s not all working completely is like this: I like plays where I know the playwright is reaching towards something or struggling with something. I like the playwright who says I am troubled by this and think it should be on the stage. I like it when a play is written about something important to the playwright. I like plays that experiment with language or form. I like visually beautiful and theatrical plays. I like plays in which actors use movement, voice, rhythm in unusual ways. I like funny plays. I like smart plays. I like plays that make me think. I like plays with a lot of heart about people trying to connect with other people. I like plays with tight construction that keep you on the edge of your seat. I like plays that are about something, not plays that pretend to be about something. I like plays that are constantly surprising. I don’t like plays where I don’t learn anything. I don’t like plays where horrible things after horrible things happen to characters and there is no hope. I especially don’t like it when characters do evil things without any real reason. I don’t like it when a play is produced and there are clear problems of consistency or flabby writing that could have been fixed but weren’t. I like plays directed by geniuses. I like plays with quirky characters. I like plays that star actors that are too interesting for Hollywood. Sometimes I like musicals. I like plays that are fun. I don’t like plays about celebrities. Or that star celebrities, especially if that is all the play has going for it. I like witty plays. And clever plays. I like plays that make me think of bright colors. I like ninety minute plays and sixty minute plays. I like plays about love.

Dec 1, 2006

last month

So I finished a play at the beginning of november and
am 20 pages into another play. I have also been
writing a novel. I have nine thousand something
words. Which is not tons but it's something. I
word-counted some of my plays and some of the
hour-long ones are about that long. which means i
wrote about as much as an hour long play this month.
the bad news is that it will take me at least 5 or 6
more months to finish the book at this pace, i think.
i have no idea how long it will be actually. but that
means i will have to work this hard or harder and that
means (if word count means anything) that it will be
like writing 2 or 3 or 4 full length plays. except
that it's not like that. it's not like that at all.