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1100 Playwright Interviews

1100 Playwright Interviews A Sean Abley Rob Ackerman E.E. Adams Johnna Adams Liz Duffy Adams Tony Adams David Adjmi Keith Josef Adkins Nicc...

Jul 25, 2007

I was really down yesterday.  I was like this is pointless.  What am i doing with my life, how can I keep doing this, why am I so poor, why do I deal with this uncomfortably crowded long commute each day?  Why am I still writing if I'm not getting anywhere?  Do i even know how to write a screenplay?  Is it a waste of my time?  How will i afford a wedding?  Will i ever be taken seriously as a playwright by the larger theatres?
But today I am much more optimistic and i don't feel that way at all.  I like what i wrote this morning.  I think my fringe play will go well.  I got some other stuff coming up.  I can do this.   Good thing I didn't blog about this yesterday, huh?  then you would know I have doubts about the sustainability of my life and writing career.
But we dodged that bullet.

Jul 24, 2007

I read Harry Potter and I have to say I'm really sad to see the series done.  Almost sad enough that I am thinking of starting over from the first book and reading the whole series again.


"President Bush has threatened to veto what he sees as a huge expansion of the children's health care program, which he describes as a step "down the path to government-run health care for every American." The House measure calls for changes that the administration will probably find even more distasteful, including cuts in Medicare payments to private health plans. "
Government-run health care for every American sounds pretty great actually.  Isn't that what most Americans want?

times article

"Some lawyers say Colonel Abraham's account — of a hearing procedure that he described as deeply flawed and largely a tool for commanders to rubber-stamp decisions they had already made — may have played an important role in the justices' highly unusual reversal. That decision once again brought the administration face to face with the vexing legal, political and diplomatic questions about the fate of Guantánamo and the roughly 360 men still held there. "

Jul 21, 2007

Susan Gets Some Play--get your tickets now.

 Susan Gets Some Play in this summer's NYC Fringe Festival Presented by Stage Fright Productions Writer: Adam Szymkowicz Director: Moritz von Stuelpnagel Starring: Jorge Cordova, Kevin R. Free, Susan Louise O'Connor, Danny Deferrari & Travis York. Susan and her best friend Jay try to find Susan a boyfriend by holding auditions for an imaginary production in hopes of finding Mr. Right. Or at least a date. Or even just a freakin' kiss.

VENUE: The New School for Drama Theater at 151 Bank Street between West and Washington Streets in the West Village (around the corner from the Jane Street Theater, which is another Fringe venue). 

SAT 8/18 @ NOON- 1:20
SUN 8/19 @ 9:15-10:35
THUR 8/23 @ 4:45 – 6:05
FRI 8/24 @ 9-10:20
SUN 8/26 @ 1:45 – 3:05


Jul 19, 2007

Bush doesn't want poor children to have health insurance


oh, you

Do not ignore me please, I found your email somewhere (you don't need to know where) and now decided to write you. Let me know if you do not mind. If you want I can send you some pictures of me.
I am a nice pretty girl. I am coming to your town soon.  Can we meet up and maybe have ice cream?  I like pistachio.  Don't reply to this email. It is not my email but someone elses. Don't ask why I am using someone else's email. Email me direclty at Jimmycomtois@comtoisxxx.org

Jul 18, 2007

Thanks for the tunes, Dup!!

high school mix from Dup

cast and director from reading of Searching last night in LA

Back row: Terry Tocantins (President) Middle row: Inger Tudor (stage directions), Trevor Olsen (Hank), Rebecca Larsen (Sarah), Rich Pierrelouis (Jones) Front: Troy Blendell (Cheney/Barbara)

Gotta love that Theatre of Note!

Susan Gets Some Play in the Fringe


Lit Dept

Brilliant post by Malachy about the program he and i were in together among other things. A quote: "It's an openness that lead to more interesting conversation about the work and what it was than we currently get from the critics in most of the press where an aesthetic opinion is being pushed."

ars nova show


Jul 17, 2007

on genius

even more from patrick very interesting. my thought now is that one woman's genius is another woman's fool. i could name some people i think are geniuses. but would we all agree? maybe in hindsight. who is a genius alive right now? anyone?

link to a link

cool post here. artists take note.


Dear Friend,

I am the prince of a country you have never heard of.
I am very rich but I have some problem involving
politics I won't go into and you won't understand
because you are American and very gullible (and

Please send me your social security number. We are
looking for someone in America to give a lot of money
to. It is not illegal but we are not in America and
for some reason need to be for some reason.

Hurry. The fate of my country hangs in the balance.
I need to send you lots of money. What is your bank
account number?


Please Hurry,

Ruler of Small But Rich Country

P.S. you like to purchase also some Viagra? or penny
stocks? they are going up. Just like the last one I
told you about.

Park yourself in front of a world of choices in alternative vehicles. Visit the Yahoo! Auto Green Center. http://autos.yahoo.com/green_center/

from last night

I had two readings in LA last night--two more tonight, see below--and these are the two casts from the readings of Herbie and Anne.

Back row: Rich Pierrelouis, Monroe Makowsky, Bill Robens, Darrett Sanders
Front row: Kelsey Wedeen, Gina Garcia Sharp, Lisa Clifton, Pat McGowan

Back row: Lauren Letherer, Mandi Moss, Rebecca Larsen
Front row: Ron Morehouse, Steven Biggs