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Nov 30, 2005
Excellent post by QP on her blogging rules:
Other rules have been. Do not try to explain. Do not shy away from the too personal or lines that could contain a story or character recognizablee to others. (disclaimer: that rule has been broken). Do not stop. Do accept comments and compliments and continue. Do put it out there, if it's been written with that feeling, put it out there. don't think too much.
I think it's a good rule for art in general. To put it out there, not to shy away from what is scary to you or be too concerned with what your family or friends will say when they see it.
Nov 29, 2005
scene from my comedy cowboy version of hamlet--draft
(In the saloon, PAUL, AMELIA and COWGIRL)
They say he’s gone crazy. No one knows why. Did you do this?
Make him crazy?
Mens is all crazy from the get go. Aint no woman ever drove a man to craziness that wasn’t already headin’ there hisself.
Shh. He’s coming.
(Enter HERBIE.)
Your skin, it’s so smooth and breakable like fine china. Take it off.
Take off your skin. For me. Do it for me. I want to see you for how you really are.
The real you. Why do you hesitate?
But I can’t—
You don’t love me. You never loved me. Get away from me.
No. No. I’ll do it. I’ll take off my skin for you.
Too little, too late. (To PAUL) I want to buy a gun.
Uh. . .
You said you wanted to sell me a gun.
Sure sure. It’s just that there’s a waiting period.
I don’t know nothing about no waiting period. Sell me a gun.
I really—
Sell me a gun!
(Opening a case. Taking out a pistol.)
Um sure um. How’s this?
(STAN appears or Paul becomes Stan if it’s a smaller cast. HERBIE looks at the gun in his hand.)
Feels good in your hand, don’t it?
Shut up. Shut up!
(STAN disappears. Everyone stares at HERBIE.)
Yeah, this one will do fine.
(HERBIE straps on the gun and exits.)
Wait. Wait. Cut off my skin. I’ll cut off all my skin for you.
(AMELIA tries to cut off her skin with a knife. COWGIRL takes it away from her and slaps her.)
Nov 28, 2005
Monday I'm hacking up various substances
I have a bad headcold. And my mind is all messed up. I'm sick from work and I need to work on this play but I'm high on Dayquil.
I am 25 pages into this new play and i have a month to finish the first draft. a month with X mas in it. What was i thinking?
In other news, Madcap Players of Washington DC will do my short play Film Noir in Jan.
Nov 26, 2005
out of town
Those signs on the highway...the ones that say Speed Limit Monitored by Aircraft...that's bullshit, right?
Nov 21, 2005
cowboy play piece--1st draft
(Enter KATRINA. She leads in a BEAR on a leash.)
(in a Russian accent.)
Hello cowboys and ladies. I am Katrina. You have probably heard of me. This is Bear.
(BEAR bows.)
We do for you some tricks for our dinner and for your entertainment. I will dance and Bear will sing.
(BEAR whispers to KATRINA.)
Not today. Bear has sore throat. But I will do leaps and acrobatics and Bear will juggle several hatchets. In succession.
(BEAR whispers to KATRINA.)
Oh. Well then. Not today. Bear has thorn in his paw. But I will sing and Bear will ride unicycle through flaming hoop.
(BEAR whispers to KATRINA.)
Not today. Bear stubbed his toe very early this morning.
(BEAR whispers to KATRINA.)
Yes. For me please and for Bear some vodka. Please gather around to watch amazing Bear drink vodka for your amusement.
(KATRINA and BEAR do shots.)
Nov 17, 2005
Improving My State
I've convinced myself that I can make my life better with one or two simple changes. I've narrowed it down to three possibilities.
A. Quit my job--I could write all day long, walk around in pajamas, watch TV, sleep when I want go to museums, be drunk all the time. Of course I won't be able to pay my rent and so I will eventually be out on the street where my hefty school debt will consume me. I'm not sure if Sallie May sends out thugs but when I'm living on the street that will be one more downside--Sallie May Thugs. OK, so maybe that won't make my life better right now.
B. Become a monk--This is a lot like the previous one--except monks are probably not drunk all the time. And probably don't watch TV. And I really want the opportunity to wear robes all the time and the life of a monk sort of sounds good some of the time. But then I'd have to come down on one side or another in this god thing--very few agnostic monks I'd imagine.
C. Buy moccasins--Is that all I'd need to change my life for the better? Some different footwear? But where would I find nice moccasins. Or maybe I should get cowboy boots. Where does one get the very right ones though.
So you can see why my life has not improved recently.
They gave me a mug and a framed certificate at work today.
Nov 15, 2005
so here is this thing I enjoy doing
I took the monologue from previous post and I translated it into korean using google. then I cut and pasted translation and translated it back into english. Fun FUN FUN!
There is a possibility you seeing and when, as is to be opened the distant COWGIRL the west to be wide. In order to fill other the each one and all and for all your relative the there ' S room for your wild oneself a guard in the emptiness which is legitimate it waits and an ' inside small formation of a cabinet indicates. For the large candle won explaining bite whisky beverage in the actual place bar my boot time it is it for quality of the I horse to peel, as it likes in the morning when it is born. The Wesson It ' S the here which is wild? The I the won ' T comes and it ain ' T, but it ' S from by aim me which am severe the donkey territory which gets wet more does well most anyhow, under wildness but in from Mister and Mister in us the taming el us who get the E for opportunity all and su Miss. And we ' use the em, liberalism. Won person from here selects large candle won dogs ' ll bite ' round. So, the gunslingers is bad more. They die and it kicks hard with the bud payth. For the shootin which most part it spreads out ' seeing at the outside et ess c. Now that time after, don ' T pleasure. When possibility there is you, ci height, it is to live in that lwup remainder of comfort, try the fact that it tries the fact that it defends. And up it already inside the box I didn ' T, ten:00 bedspreads under illusion languages.
Nov 14, 2005
The west is wide open as far as you can see. Just emptiness waiting to be filled and there’s room for each and everyone and all your kin to ride in an’ stake a little piece for yourselves. I like in the morning how the prairie grass tickles my boots when I horse it to the local saloon for a bite or a whiskey drink. It’s wild here—I won’t pretend it ain’t, but it’s a damn sight better than the wet ass teritory I come from and anyways, it may be wild but we all got us some instruments of taming from mister Smith and mister Wesson. And we use ‘em, liberally. Cause even the prairie dogs’ll bite ‘round here. And the gunslingers is worse. They spit and bite and kick and shoot. You got to watch out for the shootin’ mostly. Now then, don’t fall behind. Try to keep up with the rest of the group and try to keep alive if you can. And in case I didn’t say it already, welcome to town.
Nov 11, 2005
Nov 10, 2005
You don’t hear much about the Holy Spirit anymore. God, sure, Jesus, yup, but not much Holy Spirit. At least the whackos on the trains and in the streets shout a lot about God and Jesus but none of them ever mention the Holy Spirit. Why is that? Has the Holy Spirit outlived its usefulness—like the Greek gods? If God is everywhere, what do you need the Holy Ghost for exactly? God and Jesus are much easier to put an image to anyway. The holy spirit is less imagistic.
I imagine someday our Judeo Christian God will go the way of the Greek Gods—no one will really believe anymore but there will be a soft spot in everyone’s heart—the “if only” or the nostalgia of a Santa Claus or what leprechauns are in Ireland.
Then we’ll all become some sort of Buddhist or earth loving religion or all take on some science-based belief system. Really. That’s what I think will happen in the US. Even in the red states. In like 300 years. Or 2000. How long we gonna be around anyway?
I should get around to reading the Bible—bet there’s a lot of stuff in there.
scene from Food For Fish--draft
(ALICE and JAMES in the restaurant. ALICE is about to take blood.)
This is going to pinch just a little.
Is that really necessary? I’m not good with needles.
Do you want there to be a second date?
Will there be a second date?
Not if you keep whining.
I’m not whining.
Be a man.
I just don’t want to faint and hit my head again.
Will you stay still so I can find a good vein?
Can we not talk about veins please?
This is going to pinch just a little.
No, no wait.
OK. Go ahead.
(ALICE takes blood. JAMES faints.)
Oh, shit.
(ALICE picks up a glass of water and throws it in JAMES’s face. JAMES wakes up.)
What? What is it?
You fainted.
Where am I?
You know, James, I’m thinking I may stop dating altogether.
I love you.
It’s not you. Although the needle thing is kind of annoying.
(JAMES begins to faint again. ALICE slaps him awake.)
Stop that now. OK? You there? What was I saying? Oh yes. So I’m sorry but I don’t think there will be a second date.
Is your name Alice?
Will you focus please?
Everything’s so far away.
I know. That’s always the way it is, isn’t it? The thing we really want is always so far from our grasp. You just really want one thing, right? It’s all you want and no matter what you can never have it. No matter what you do or how cute you dress. It will never happen for you. And you move through every day hoping for a compliment or a smile—some little thing from him—one little crumb or two and you know it’s all you’ll ever get but still you live for it. And then he goes away and won’t answer the phone and you may never see him again and so what’s the point, I ask you? What’s the point of getting through the day if he’s not there at the end of it? Why go on?
Are you talking about suicide?
No. Yes. I don’t know. I mean life is suffering, isn’t it?
That’s what Catholics believe.
Maybe I’m not supposed to be happy. I do have my work, which is I suppose in some ways just a veiled attempt to get what I want or at least deal with it. Maybe it’s not completely hopeless. My sister could die or he could suddenly see he loves me. Maybe you’re right though, maybe if you can’t get what you want in this life you should just kill yourself.
Did I say that?
I don’t know. Maybe I’m not even depressed enough for that. Maybe next week. I just want to go to sleep.
Me too. Hey, why do I feel woozy?
(Holding up vial of blood.)
I took some blood.
(JAMES faints again.)
Nov 8, 2005
These are some of the places my Thanksgiving Play for elementary kids has been done.
Links don't work on this computer but if you would like to take a look at this play go to:
beginning of Ambience Pizza/54th and 9th
(A pizza place. April in an apron. John in street clothes. They are not aware of one another at first.)
JOHN. Every day at lunch
APRIL. Every day at lunch
JOHN. (overlapping) I stop in--
APRIL. (overlapping) He stops in, for a slice, at the pizza place where I work.
JOHN. I know she’s beautiful because whenever I think of her, I think of her in black and white.
APRIL. When he comes to the counter I give him three napkins although I know I’m only supposed to give two. The pizza is saucy; the pizza is greasy. I don’t want him to be without sufficient surfaces with which to wipe his face and hands.
JOHN. I like old movies because of the pacing and the quips—the back and forth. Sometimes I think our conversations will go like that. But they never do.
ARIL. They go like this.
(They speak to one another now.)
JOHN. A slice of cheese.
APRIL. Of cheese, right.
JOHN. Three twenty five.
APRIL. Right. Yes. Three twenty five.
(Back to the audience.)
JOHN. I always think I will come up with something witty to say. Right there. On the spur of the moment. But I never do. I have nothing witty to say about the price of pizza.
Nov 7, 2005
Nov 4, 2005
I feel like my time is not really my own these days. It seems to be slipping away.
Here is where I would link to delightful things found on the internet--but you have the internet and perhaps the time to find them yourself. I'll give you a head start--take a look at the great folks on my blogroll to the right.
I am told that DPS will be publishing my play Deflowering Waldo--perhaps I have spoken too soon--before the contract is signed. Is that bad luck to speak before all the t's are crossed (or before all the z's are crossed in my case)? However it is, this is exciting me more than anything. Much more than it should, I think. And all I'm really thinking is that now I can prove that I exist--as if that will do it, or as if that's what I'm aiming for, which, unfortunately, I probably am.
Gotta write that cowboy play to really prove I exist. That should do it, right?
Nov 1, 2005
This is a photo from my play Languages of Love which was recently produced in Philly (although I was unable to travel to see the show). Note the conjoined twins. If I remember correctly that play had to be about death and had to include one man and two women and someone had to be in a school uniform.
mystery of mysterys in the big city of babylon
Read this NY times article about a strange smell in NY. Actually, K and I smelled this in our apt last week. I thought it was the heating system going on for the first time but it smelled very strongly of maple syrup. Then I heard about this article. And then I smelled it again yesterday near Juilliard. It's unsolved.
Mr. Padilla was not alone. Reports of the syrupy cloud poured in from across Manhattan after 9 p.m. Some feared that it was something sinister.
Dear Blog,
Don't doubt for an instant that I've stopped loving you. It's just that work has been really stressful lately and so has school, in a different way. And I have to get a draft of this cowboy play written before Jan 1 and a revision of FFF by Dec 10. And K and I are trying to see more of each other--now, don't be jealous of K. You know you're important to me too.
I've just been distracted recently. You know I love your sleek dark look, your long blogroll, the way your links automatically highlight as if to say "look at me." I do look at you, every chance I get. It's just that I'm entering a new phase in my life and things are going to change in our relationship and I want you to be aware of it and be understanding and supportive the way a Blog like you should. Right? Let's have a smile.
Oh, Blog, when things slow down you and I will be like conjoined twins again, linked by an important organ no doubt, but for now . . . well, you understand.
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