is, I think, the title of my play in progress.
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Mar 27, 2006
Mar 26, 2006
April 4 at 7pm
I'm having a reading at Juilliard of my Hamlet play which is currently titled "Herbie: A Cowboy Comedy"
Let me know if you want to come and I'll put you on the list.
Mar 24, 2006
a scene I cut out of Pretty Theft
SCENE 29 (In the Motel room, the air turns strange. We are in a dream. MARCO is gone. The other cast members enter as dancers and creatures to begin another ballet.) (SUZY is still on the floor.)
BALLERINA 1 Deep in a chemically induced slumber, Suzy has a dream.
BALLERINA 2 Omigod! Are you Ok?
SUZY What?
BALLERINA 1 Theres something wrong with you.
SUZY Not me, Im special Im fine. Im good. Not like any other.
BALLERINA 2 You really dont know, do you?
BOBBY (as a medic) Miss, are you all right.
BOBBY Youve been in a terrible accident, you've fallen from . . . well, you may still be falling.
SUZY Whats going on?
(DANCERS all look up in horror and run around frantic.)
BOBBY Youll be OK. Im here to help you.
SUZY No one ever helps me.
BOBBY I will.
SUZY I have unique and special needs. Im not used to them being fulfilled.
BOBBY Let me know what they are. No, dont try to get up. Tell me how I can help.
SUZY To start, I require strength both from others and from myself.
SUZY I am drastically underrated. I dont know how to play the stock market but have a strong belief I could figure it out in good time. I have a strong backstroke and wish I could get around merely by swimming.
BOBBY Interesting.
SUZY Thank you. I have to dance whenever I hear any sort of music from the 80s. Even ads for soda and kitty litter jingles. I prefer not to dance alone.
BOBBY Of course
SUZY Good. I will need to grandstand at least once a week. Dont be surprised if I do it in my pajamas that is if I wear pajamas to bed that night. Grandstanding must be done immediately in the morning on the first day one feels that special something. You shall not grandstand not unless you can prove that you too feel that special something, which of course you will not be able to do.
SUZY You must prove to me that Im the most important thing there is. You must adore me and accept me and approve of all I do.
BOBBY Im falling in love with you.
SUZY Of course. Now kiss me.
BOBBY Yes maam.
BALLERINA 1 But the wind suddenly takes him away.
(The BALLERINAS pick him up and carry him off.)
BALLERINA 2 And she is once again alone.
SUZY Help me Im alone. Ive fallen and Im stuck. Im close to death or at least misery. Help me, wont you help me please.
BALLERINA 2 The insects are dead. The sun is dead. The sand is dead. There is no water.
BALLERINA 1 Still in the desert, still fallen, she moans.
(SUZY moans.)
BALLERINA 2 And buzzards pick the clothes from her body.
(The dancers pretending to be buzzards, attack her and try to take her clothes.)
(ALLEGRA rises.)
ALLEGRA Im better than you in every way. Im stronger and smarter and much much prettier.
SUZY Help.
ALLEGRA (singing) I am golden. I am sweet. I will make a life complete. I am the perfect girl in every way. I am the perfect girl, in this perfect world on this perfect day.
BOBBY Oh darling.
ALLEGRA Oh darling.
(BOBBY and ALLEGRA kiss.)
SUZY Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
BALLERINA 1 She feels her lashes being brushed. Her hair being touched. Her clothes being taken away.
SUZY I am beautiful
BALLERINA 2 No, youre not.
BALLERINA 11 Suzy feels breathing very close to her. All around her. All up inside her. But she cannot see anything.
(The DANCERS breathe on her but when she turns they are gone.)
BALLERINA 2 She knows there is something inside her thats screaming to get out. Sometimes it is very small and sometimes it roars. But it hasnt got out yet.
SUZY Someone pay attention to me. I am unique. I have big thoughts. Pay attention to me! I deserve it!
(The BALLERINAS pick up SUZY and ALLEGRA and put them to bed.)
Mar 23, 2006
I've been feeling bad about not joining the many interesting theatre conversations. (Take a look on my blogroll) But I just don't have anything interesting to say and I'm getting burnt out talking theatre.
I also think I reach a point periodically, usually when I'm writing, where I can take only so much input and too much more will mess with my output.
So I'm sorry I'm not being a blog conversationalist at the moment. I'm interested. I'm just in a cave right now.
thurs scene (as always a first draft)
(LIZ sitting at a table in a café. There is something fishy about her. Enter GARY. He stands by her table.)
LIZ Are you the waiter?
GARY No. I am a friend of yours.
LIZ I am only friends with people from Villanova or Austria.
GARY I am from both places. I was in the orchestra.
LIZ Please sit.
GARY (sitting) Can I speak frankly?
LIZ No. Its not secure.
GARY Let me just say that some things have been accomplished.
LIZ Which things?
GARY The things.
LIZ All the things?
(Enter WAITER.)
WAITER Hi. My name is Paul. I will be your server today. What can I get you?
LIZ Paul, we need a few minutes.
WAITER Can I get you drinks while you decide?
LIZ No, Paul. Please come back later.
WAITER Sure. The special of the day is a pan seared salmon--
LIZ Please go away. Seriously. Im serious. Really.
GARY Thanks, Paul.
WAITER Yeah, yeah . . .
(Exit WAITER.)
LIZ You were saying.
GARY I was saying. I need another week. But heres part one.
(GARY slides something across the table. LIZ takes it.)
LIZ I dont even think theres time to order another drop.
GARY Ill get it to you.
LIZ If you cant deliver on time . . .
GARY I just need another week.
LIZ You already had another week.
GARY One more.
LIZ Ill try to set something up. This cant keep happening though.
GARY I understand.
LIZ You played the trombone in the marching band.
GARY Yes, and you twirled the flaming baton.
LIZ Good to see you old friend.
GARY Likewise.
(GARY gets up.)
(CARRIE enters, sees her husband GARY dining with another woman)
GARY Carrie!
WAITER Are you ready to order now?
GARY Its not what it seems like.
CARRIE It sure seems that way.
WAITER Should I get one more place setting?
CARRIE No, thank you.
GARY Dont make a scene. I can explain everything. But first we must leave.
CARRIE Im leaving. Dont bother coming home tonight.
GARY But . . . Carrie!
LIZ This is so non-professional.
WAITER Can I get you drinks?
Mar 22, 2006
I am sick sick
I am propped up by Dayquil
but will get to meet David Ives later today and perhaps he will tell me what's wrong with my 10 minute play.
Mar 21, 2006
I've been home sick
and having the craziest dreams.
Three people in gray robes were repeating over and over.
Sleep Sleep Sleep
And you know they were actually kind of comforting.
Mar 18, 2006
ISBN/Code: 0-8222-2136-5
hooo yaaa!
Deflowering Waldo is on it's way to the high style presses of DPS.
Mar 17, 2006
One more because it's friday--not the next scene but a scene nonetheless
(At a bar. JAKE wears a different tie. ELISE wears a skirt under her raincoat. She still has her big rubber boots.)
JAKE I had to shoot him. I didnt want to. I still have nightmares about it. But I had to do it. If I had to do it again, Id do the same thing. I take the law very seriously.
ELISE Is that right?
JAKE Im sure you take your job very seriously too. Being the youngest ever fire chief and all.
ELISE You read up on me.
JAKE I am a detective.
ELISE I found out a little about you too.
JAKE Whats that?
ELISE You live alone. No pets even. You drink too much. You swear too much. You call your mother on Sundays. You never call your father. Your socks often dont match. You never learned to swim. Youve never been married but you had an exgirlfriend you loved more than anything. She died when a tourboat caught fire in the Carribean. You were supposed to be on that boat but you couldnt get the time off. Some nights you wished you had died with hersuffocated and then burned to death. Other times you imagine you could have saved her even though you never learned to swim. You couldnt cope for a while after her death. They gave you time off after you crashed up a coupe or two. Then you spent a little time in a white room with cushy walls. When you returned they gave you fire duty. You have an almost religious need to catch the arsonist. And while I believe you have interest in me, I cant help but think you want to be close to me in case it helps your case in the long run. That and Im the best looking firefighter in New York. Although they didnt print that.
JAKE Well . . . I guess you did your homework. Anything else?
ELISE Yeah. Youre an excellent detective. You almost always get your man.
JAKE What about women?
ELISE Well have to see. The night is still young.
another scene (1st draft, people)
(The Police Station. JAKE sits at his desk, his head in his hands. He takes a swig from a whiskey bottle and then puts his head back in his hands.)
TOM Detective.
JANE Detective.
JAKE Jane.
STU Detective.
JAKE Stu. TOM Hittin the bottle pretty hard.
STU Drinkin like a fish.
JANE Sumptin on your mind?
JAKE No, no. Its this damn arsonist. TOM Yeah, hes making you look pretty bad.
STU Cripes, I wouldnt want to be you.
JANE No leads, huh?
JAKE None. Real professional jobs, all of them. And done with such precision.
TOM And malice.
STU Bloody anarchy.
JANE Hope he fries, the flaming bastard. TOM Aint no reason for a man like that to live even.
STU Sick is what it is.
JAKE I dunno. You know what really gets me?
JANE What?
TOM What?
STU What?
JAKE The unmitigated gall. Coming to my town starting fires. We work hard to keep order.
JAKE The size of the balls on this bastard comes to my town lighting fires. Chaos. The streets full of screeching fire engines. The danger of speeding traffic. The heat of the fire itself. Little old ladies crossing the street. Fire hoses. Ladders. The whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth. What kind of person causes such chaos? Its sick.
JANE Youll get em, Jake.
STU Dont worry.
TOM Hang in there, slugger.
(The phone rings.)
JAKE Hello. Ill be right there. (hangs up the phone.) If youll excuse me, I got a fire downtown I got to get to.
Mar 16, 2006
And may I recommend
FOr you NYCers, A Living Room in Africa produced by the Edge Theatre Co. Now at Theatre Row.
I'm actually going to see this again it was so good. I read this play a couple years ago and I loved it then. It's even better now. Bash Doran was a year above me at Columbia and is now two years above me at Juilliard. She is one to watch.
Also if you have never seen an Edge production, you really have to see this. The Cantor/ Korins team is unbeatable. They've done some Adam Rapp in the past. They did Ann Marie Healy's play also "Now That's What I call a Storm". And last year it was Orange Flower Water.
I'm telling you though, go see this play.

Mar 15, 2006
I am looking for film noir movies I can watch--especially with a femme fatale who ends up being the criminal the gumshoe is looking for. an Oedipus type deal.
Any help?
Mar 14, 2006
Reading Last Night
went really well. Everyone's assistant was there. What's that, you're someone's assistant and you weren't there. Well I hope you come next time.
And I'm not deriding in any way. I too am someone's assistant.
But what I was trying to say was that the reading went well, but not so well that I wasn't just a bit depressed afterwards--I couldn't help but feeling I could have written it better. I could have tightened it tighter, I could have hung it looser or cut that stage direction or that scene. And while I'm on the subject of writing, why am I not writing right now? Writing something far better. Oh, I have to figure it out? FIGURE IT OUT, already! Jeez.
But what I was saying is that the actors were great and the reading was mentioned twice in playbill so there was an audience there. I was working with a smart capable director and the ARS Nova facilities and staff are a cut above a cut above. Have you been to this place? I'm used to having readings in the hallway of my friend's uncle. Everyone has to get up when someone wants to enter or exit their apartment. This was more like a posh hotel for plays. It's what I imagine England is like. (I'm sure I'll be dissapointed.) But the offices and the stage and everything was beautiful.
And they gave us Tshirts afterwards.