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1100 Playwright Interviews

1100 Playwright Interviews A Sean Abley Rob Ackerman E.E. Adams Johnna Adams Liz Duffy Adams Tony Adams David Adjmi Keith Josef Adkins Nicc...

Jun 23, 2005

mandatory fiction--the joy of wind and self propelled motion

In pursuit of flight, she purchased in the thrift shop a pair of well-worn roller skates. They were size three, no key required, lace up electric-blue with tazer-purple wheels. They matched perfectly her pink-ridged skirt, her favorite red t-shirt, her pom-pom hat. As she tied on the skates, she felt an immense sense that she was starting a venture that would lead to distinction, awards, and greatness. This sense only increased as she got to her wheeled feet and started down the sloping asphalt driveway. She skated tentatively at first. Then faster and faster, sometimes in loops or close circles. Then in a particularly tight turn, she lost her balance and fell, her hands taking the asphalt brunt of it. But the stinging didn't stop her from getting up again. Or from falling again after a few more minutes of asphalt-zooming. She fell and fell and fell and fell and fell. She gradually realized she was not going to be in the driveway-skating Olympics. Not this year anyway. www.adamszymkowicz.com

Jun 21, 2005

wall-less cubicle adrift

Let me tell you about my job. My desk floats on an island of paper. I sit at my computer and type up missives, emails, manifestos, notes to be sent by carrier pigeon. The island of paper grows each day. My boss comes, huffing with the weight, and drops stacks of white papers into my inbox. They pour over the sides and the volcano of pulp erupts onto the floor. I am falling behind in my filing. My other boss comes, huffing with another stack. "I need these photocopied," she says. I don't look up. I say "I'm in the middle of a manifesto. Can it wait?" She says, "How's the filing coming?" "Great," I say. She grins thinly and walks away. I resent having to do work at my job. www.adamszymkowicz.com

Jun 20, 2005


Have you seen this? It didn't take long to make blogging into a commercial enterprise--even if it is fake. I have a strange need to try and make my blog worth much much more which is of course a waste of my time. I may do it anyway.

Jun 17, 2005

Beginning of 3 sisters--with helpful links to update stuffy old Chekhov

OLGA. Father died just a year ago, on this very day -- the fifth of May, your name-day, Irina. It was very cold, snow was falling. I felt as though I should not live through it; you lay fainting as though you were dead. But now a year has passed and we can think of it calmly; you are already in a white dress, your face is radiant. [The clock strikes twelve.] The clock was striking then too [a pause]. I remember the band playing and the firing at the cemetery as they carried the coffin. Though he was a general in command of a brigade, yet there weren't many people there. It was raining, though. Heavy rain and snow. IRINA. Why recall it! [BARON TUZENBAKH, CHEBUTYKIN and SOLYONY appear near the table in the dining-room, beyond the columns.] OLGA. It is warm today, we can have the windows open, but the birches are not in leaf yet. Father was given his brigade and came here with us from Moscow eleven years ago and I remember distinctly that in Moscow at this time, at the beginning of May, everything was already in flower; it was warm, and everything was bathed in sunshine. It's eleven years ago, and yet I remember it all as though we had left it yesterday. Oh, dear! I woke up this morning, I saw a blaze of sunshine. I saw the spring, and joy stirred in my heart. I had a passionate longing to be back at home again! CHEBUTYKIN. The devil it is!

Thank you, Sheila!

I got an email this morning about sneaker chocolate. (apparently the world's first.) I would show you but according to the email "these exclusive images are highly confidential and are only for your viewing pleasure." (read as my viewing pleasure) I read Noah Haidle's Mr. Marmalade this morning in American Theatre magazine. (pretty great) Larry and I saw Doubt last night (truly great, but left me a little cold) K didn't believe me when I told her Heidi was still in our apt this morning. Why would I lie about that? I felt like Big Bird trying to convince everyone Snuffalufagous was real. I hope I didn't offend Heidi too much when I told her she was like Snuffalufagous. She did leave soon after.

Jun 16, 2005

I like to pound the colored keys of the bloomberg with my fists.

I like to snap chopsticks in half. I like a good beef burrito, a mediocre bottle of red wine. I like the acidic shivering taste in my mouth when I think of something sour. I like to not explain things.


The dashing young man in the bowtie and chaps was a dashing madman with mercury in his veins--a haberdasher of the perennial sort. He kept a collection of hats, all personally made for his collection of Strawberry Shortcake figurines that he displayed on his shelf above the couch where his mother died. They say she died of misery. They say she died of dysentery. They say she died in denial about a crime the dashing young madman may or may not have committed. A crime of passion. A crime against nature. A crime that knocks the bile to the back of the throats of the neighbors and close acquaintances of this dashing madman's mother. A mother who never learned to knit or sew or cook anything that wasn't mashed potatoes. A mother who learned her habits from House and Garden Magazine and Mademoiselle and Good Housekeeping and Popular Mechanics. They told her how to be a proper woman, a paragon of womanliness, a woman who never pats on the head or compliments or cajoles but minds her manners and never spits and always says maybe at the ends of sentences, maybe. Maybe too when the dashing madman floods the house by plugging the drains and letting the well run its cold waters through the halls, then he wishes for those mother-made mashed potatoes, a recipe gleaned from the pages of Popular Mechanics. And before he drowns himself by handcuffing himself to the hot water heater in the basement, he unsuccessfully tries to canoe on the fast river running down the stairs from the kitchen and bathroom. Those were the rooms that remind him most of mother and the rooms he was least welcome in.

Poor Man's Ipod Blues

I finally broke down and spent 100 bucks on the cheapest possible ipod--the shuffle. So I figured I'd set it up w/ K's computer--it runs on the most up to date operating system in the house. and so I put a bunch of my cds in and put the programs on but when I plugged the ipod in, it wouldn't work. Then I discovered I needed at least OS X 10.3.4, whatever that is. But it's not available anywhere and tiger's another 120 bucks. 120 bucks to get the 100 dollar ipod to work! I can't even afford the ipod. But it's so little and light and beautiful and I spent all that time putting music in that I was eager to listen to on my hour-each-way-daily-commute. now all my plans are dashed. woe is me.

Jun 13, 2005

Here I am now, entertain me.

I keep going to this blog expecting it to entertain me but it's just one more blank page. What have I gotten myself into?

Jun 10, 2005

Jesus is the best

Perhaps you've noticed that I haven't figured out how to upload pictures. Oh, um, I mean my stylistic choice is to not use pictures. So you'll have to imagine them or take the links to the sites that have the pictures. Like my site. Have you been to a phonovox show yet? Why not? What are you waiting for. All this week baby. Support Carroll Gardens or New Orleans or Hell's Kitchen or where you come from. I bet one of those guys is from where you come from. Support him for the love of God! Hope to see you there. K and I are going to the forest or the beach Sunday. Hope to see you there too. In the news, some people are asexual. I wish I were. I would be so productive. Or would I just think about something unproductive other than sex. Would I replace that obsession with soemthing like my little pony? Or would I spend all that extra time thinking about Alf? The NY times tells me Skin stuff will keep you young forever if you live in Canada or France or aren't afraid to break the law. Also in the news, Janice Rogers Brown is crazy. Appartently also, there is a movement to keep our kids from knowing about gay people. But not asexuals. Or Catholic priests. In other news, Bush continues evil practices while Jesus is in his heart. How can so many people suffer when we know he listens to Jesus. Jesus, maybe you have to speak up a bit. Get him to stop torturing those wacky Iraqis. Say something about Darfur if you could, too please. Thanks, Jesus. You're the best.

Jun 9, 2005


It's not too late to see Film Noir in Toronto or Save in Michigan this weekend. Then 4th of July weekend, Nerve will open (most likely) at 13ths street rep in NYC. As it stands now it will run 3 weeks, be off two weeks and then run three more weeks. Then in Aug, make your way to Edinburgh to see my short play America at War (probably). And in Sept, Save will go up again in Arizona. See you there.

Jun 8, 2005

hoist my spirits, aye?

Rehearsals have officially begun. I am cautiously optimistic about this show. It could be very very good. I did a bit of a rewrite on the cutting part which is bound to help. After rehearsals I attended the first Buller-led outing to the Gowanus Yacht Club. Kyle showed us his impressive shotgunning techniques and Michael showed some impressive drawings. Everything interesting happened before I arrived. I sometimes feel that way about theatre as well. The golden age when it was possible to make a living as a playwright is long gone. But exciting things are still happening. They are just often pushed farther and farther away from broadway and off broadway and everything on or off broadway has become prohibitively expensive. Ry and I will try to get affordable rush tix to shockheaded peter tonight.

Jun 6, 2005

from Nerve

ELLIOT (Pointing to her forearm.) That’s a nice scar you got there. SUSAN Thanks. ELLIOT How’d you get that? SUSAN Tricycle accident. ELLIOT Not recently, I hope. SUSAN (Suddenly intense) I think you’re the one who’s never really had a good kiss. A good kiss is like a knife. The best kiss I ever had hurt more than anything. It couldn’t help it. A really good kiss can’t help but hurt you ‘cause you give part of yourself away. Make yourself vulnerable to it. A kiss, a real kiss severs nerves and cuts through you and that’s an injury you’ll never recover from.

New York in June

Yesterday I sat on a bench on Central Park West near 69th street for almost two hours watching people and listening to a cd over and over, realizing how much I love New York sometimes. I saw a pregnant woman walking down the sidewalk alone pushing an empty stroller. A Presbyterian Hospital's ambulance stopped at a light. A uniformed woman in the passenger seat was putting on lip gloss in the side mirror.

Jun 3, 2005

Things that sparkle on Friday

There are reasons to write things down --there are open doors with holy landings and flaps of land that jut out where you don’t expect them. When we stand in line and try to move forward, we find we are stuck in the mud, and we know some stand like giants and some fall like villagers and some thrash about when you haul them from the water. They are unhappy as we are and they have a mind to claw the earth in prayer when they think they have come to a house to sing really. It is perhaps the thought of transgressing all they know and love or it is likely thoughts of swimming in open water but it is conquerable and fast and brings the blood to their tawdry faces. You try to look down of course because you know too many people can see the ground on which you stand and can tell you in fact you will never ever learn to swim. Not here anyway. Child of the mud. Sorry bout that. Just had to let it out. If you don't sometimes let such things out, you will explode. Of course, I didn't have to publish it on the internet for all to see but I have a nagging suspicion that no one reads this blog in any case. On Fridays I am told, I will be let out at 1--let out to frolick in the city as I wish, to spend that extra 4 hours in silent meditation or prayer or vandalization or swallowing chopped up pieces of piano or however else I choose. www.adamszymkowicz.com

Jun 2, 2005

Thursday of a lesser god

Earlier today I was all "I'm through with playwriting. It's a waste of time. I don't know what I'm doing. It's too much work. I'm not getting anywhere. This play will be horrible and never be produced anywhere else like everything else I've ever written that I send everywhere but to no avail...because it's not good enough." I think I'm almost done with that. Nope hold on. I'm not good at anything. This is stupid. I'm going to be an office assistant for the rest of my life. Ok. I'm done now. Whew. What a wonderful choice this whole playwriting thing is constantly turning out to be. Maybe I should write a novel. course that would take years and perhaps that requires some other skill, wouldn't you think? some sort of novelist skill. blah. time to start a cult. Who wants to join? There will be punch.

Jun 1, 2005

Wednesday I'm in love (and it's searing my brain)

Tonight we are beginning what I hope will be a fruitful casting process. Not too hard, right? A two-person play with young non-equity actors who are available for 3 months and are willing to work 3 hours a week for the company? Yeh, should be no problem. Wish me luck. VA is beautiful this time of year. May I recommend the Shenandoah National Park for all your hiking needs? And may I recommend Charlottesville as the cutest college town/quaint city. Brick and marble found in old Jefferson-designed buildings. And nobody does malls like c-town. And while I'm in the recommending mood, may I recommend this article about how love is like addiction. (scientifically) which brings me back to my play Nerve. (shameless plug) Did I mention I'm casting my two-person date play Nerve which I hope shows such an addiction. This is the same play which will be read this sunday at Kitchen Dog in Dallas. Might you want to produce it in your city as well? www.adamszymkowicz.com

May 24, 2005

Tuesday in the shadows of something larger

It's been an interesting week and it's only Tuesday. Monday I attended the annual Pulitzer Prizes ceremony. John Patrick Shanley sat at table 3 and I sat at table 24. So close, yet so far away. Also in the news, Kitchen Dog will be reading my play Nerve on Sunday June 5th. I am also starting casting soon for a new york production of the same play. Thirteenth Street Rep will be doing it and although it will be a non-equity event, it will run 8 weeks for 3 days a week. Does that seem to anyone else like an incredibly long run for a two person play? I wonder how hard I will have to work to get an audience in there or if that is a task I am willing and able to take on. I also had a great meeting today which I won't talk about here but could be really exciting (for me) if it works out. If it happens I'll let you know. If not, well I'll just be disappointed and will not speak of it. Kristen and I are going on a road trip to VA for a long long weekend to visit her brother and his wife. Her mother will also be there with her stepfather. They're all great and I'm looking forward to it. I don't know if you've ever been to Charlottesville, but it is sweet and relaxing. I plan to run and maybe write some but probably not. We will sleep on the floor on the porch I am told. But I will bring an air mattress. Oh yes, I will. http://www.adamszymkowicz.com

May 18, 2005

America's Manifest Destiny: Outer Space

"Another Air Force space program, nicknamed Rods From God, aims to hurl cylinders of tungsten, titanium or uranium from the edge of space to destroy targets on the ground, striking at speeds of about 7,200 miles an hour with the force of a small nuclear weapon." Is this disturbing to anyone else? I think it's common knowledge that our weapons are not as accurate as we'd like them to be. Now we'll have them in space as well where things are more likely to go wrong. We've been wanting lasers in space for a long time. Finally! Let's get on this people. "A fourth seeks to turn radio waves into weapons whose powers could range "from tap on the shoulder to toast," in the words of an Air Force plan." Does the FCC know about this? This is Bush's next project isn't it? We got to combat terrorism and the best way to do that would be to have deadly radio waves available from space. We have to show that we are the greatest nation--not in terms of health care or economy or education or the environment but in space warfare. The future's so bright we gotta wear--AHHH watch out for that laser!

May 17, 2005

a smidgen of angst

I'm sitting here with my gluestick gluing letters shut for a living and outside everyone is in their powder blue robes, graduating. Exactly where I was a year ago. Now I have this lucrative photocopying job and I can't write. Why can't I write right now? I'm stuck. I'm not sure what to work on next or how to work on any of them. I'm sick of waiting for them to come but what else can be done? Something good has to happen soon.

May 13, 2005

Go to Pillowman

I cannot recommend it enough. It is dark, scary, upsetting and absolutley watchable. We got standing room seats for 25 dollars and although not everyone may want to stand for 2 1/2 hours, for me it was worth every penny. It makes me feel better about the state of Broadway. This show pulls no punches and despite what Isherwood says it is much more than just a story. I think it brings up a lot of worthwhile questions. But go see it. right now. go. really. go.

May 10, 2005

Ask somebody to love you/It takes a lot of nerve--Paul Simon

Also don't forget to come to Dallas to see my play, Nerve read. You are cordially invited to attend a reading of my new play, Nerve, a dark comedy about falling into a relationship on a first date. When: June 5 at 7:30 Where: Kitchen Dog Theater, 3120 McKinney Avenue, Dallas, TX 75204 http://www.kitchendogtheater.org http://www.adamszymkowicz.com

May 9, 2005

Short Plays Going Up

May 22nd, my short play, High Noon will be produced at Boston Theatre Marathon. Starting June 2, my short play, Film Noir will be produced in Toronto at Cabbagetown Theatre's Slaw Festival. June 11th, my short play, Save will go up in Michigan at the Heartlande Theatre's Play by Play Marathon. Then in Sept Save will be produced by Bloody Unicorn Theatre Company in Arizona as part of their Queer Women's Short Festival. Also America At War will most likely be performed along with some other political plays at the Edinburgh Fringe this summer. Of course with my unlimited funds I will be flying from event to event, staying in four star restaurants and taking the audiences out for drinks afterwards. Hope to see you there! (I should be putting these on Upcoming and perhaps will when I learn how.) More to come! (Hopefully)

May 7, 2005

1st scene of new play

ONE (Lights rise on BOBBIE’s mostly-empty apartment.) (BOBBIE sits at the desk, typing on an old non-electric typewriter. A beer sits on the desk next to the typewriter.) BOBBIE’S VOICE When you have visions—visions that beat at your brains while other people are talking, when you hear screams--synapses won’t stop crackling and blood pumps--the pounding don’t stop pounding you look for an exit to start the ending or search sideways in vain to extract a distraction but even then what will curls of hair give to you, hips and breasts, lips sip out of you in a moment distract what abstraction pounds-pounds ‘til you steal— The night is a foundation for crumbling, the boy thought to himself. He dressed in haste, pulled the hood on his head and he took to the street, boot in front of boot to find her. Who would she be tonight? Last night she was brunette, red-lipped and serious, mouth curled around a tiny white smokestack, long leopard-fur coat collecting snowflakes on its tips. When she stopped in the streetlamp, he was there. He was a boy and she was not afraid. She took a drag and he took her lips and all her smoke and sadness drained into him. She gasped in the kiss and the snow fell on her lashes. When she opened her eyes, he was gone. That night he took his silver pen knife from the drawer of his desk—the only furniture he owned. He opened the blade, splayed his left hand on the desk and stabbed himself with the right. (BOBBIE stops typing.) BOBBIE No! No! NO! That’s not right. No one would do that. It’s so fucking stupid. It’s so fucking . . . (BOBBIE stops himself, takes out a knife, and stabs himself in the hand. He yells out in pain.) BOBBIE Ahhhhh!

May 5, 2005

It aint no MASH 4077

His goal, he said, is to convince his listeners that the abuse of innocent Iraqis by the American military is not limited to "a few bad apples," as the military would like the public to believe. "At what point," he asked, "does a series of 'isolated incidents' become a pattern of intolerable behavior?" I don't understand how we can let this happen. People who have done nothing are imprisoned along with suspected terrorists. Innocent people are shot or abused and the privates and the floor washers take the heat for it. Or no one takes the heat. Of course these are kids who have already been there too long with not enough armor, not enough soldiers and not enough guidance. Clearly not enough guidance. And all their friends are blowing up beside them and the enemy look like the civilians. It just makes me furious the way we wage war. And the idiotic things that happen in this country. Why can some suspected terrorists buy guns while others are shipped off to be tortured or killed? And according to iraq body count, at least 21,447 CIVILIANS have died in this war. How many of our civilians have died? Because Iraq has nothing to do with the 3000 people who died in the WTC. Nothing. And what can I do? Nothing. I wrote a couple of plays. I'm sure as soon as Bush reads them this matter will all be cleared up.

Party to start all Parties

Went to the Clubbed Thumb party last night and let me tell you plainly I flitted around like a headless drunken bird hopping from high quality short theatre piece (flit flit)to cooler of beer (flit flit)to conversation with theatrical luminary (flit flit)to cooler of beer. It was like that for hours and it was lots of fun. The only problem was that it gave me a wonderful hangover. Kristen decided to stay sober at home and I'm sure her day will be much smoother than mine. Clubbed Thumb really knows how to throw a party. You heard it here first.

May 4, 2005


No one likes the ugly apparently. Of course the article never mentions how you measure ugliness. Is there a scientific ugliness tool they have in Canada that they might be able to share with the rest of us? And of course maybe the children have become ugly because the parents let their children do whatever they want and so they keep falling down out of trees and shopping carts and breaking their faces. The other underlying assumption is that grocery stores are incredibly dangerous places and that by tying your kid into a shopping cart, you are protecting it. In any case, it's pretty cynical. On a mildly related note, I'm getting sick of movies that have no ugly people in them. (or normal for that matter.) Commercials are just as bad. Sometimes you just have to rent an English film just to see normal looking people onscreen. I think having a blog has become too much responsibility.

May 2, 2005


The weekend started with a cast party for the exquisitely mounted One Wednesday at West Haddam High. We drank way until past the three o clock time. Fun was had by all. Then on Sat it was a Callaghan party-bring-your-own food and share it and play a game where you guess the first or last line of a book (kind of like balderdash) and drink late until at least the one o clock hour. Fun was had by all. Then on Sunday, there was a reading of my play Nerve at 13th Street rep on Sunday. They read the hell out of it. And afterwards a talkbalk which I let myself be talked into. Fun was had by all.