Can anyone recommend a good romantic comedy? I'm going to write a film and I'm looking to watch comedys and dramas that end well, but good ones with developed characters. Love stories. Anyone got a favorite?
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Jun 25, 2006
Jun 22, 2006
Nerve closes on the 1st.
Food For Fish opens on the 6th.
Hope you can come.
I'm very happy with the Nerve production and very happy with how rehearsals are going for F4F. And they are VERY different kinds of plays. One is nothing like the other so I think assumptions about one based on the other just aren't going to work. The only solution is to see both.
Jun 21, 2006
I am in a sort of self-imposed hibernation. Trying to write something new. Trying to see my show--trying to get other people to see my show and trying to go to rehearsals for other show.
I had yesterday and today off and used it to write letters and start a new play--you know that crazy ubu santa thing I've been offhandedly mentioning? Oh, you don't? Remember those crazy pictures a few months back? Well, I'm working on that. And I need to write a one man show and a film. i have what I think is a great film idea and I'm dying to work it through but there are only so many hours in the day and 8 of them are at work (and two of them are to and from work)
and then there are the plays I saw that were great (Dead City, Quail, the new Anne Wasburn...) and the ones I still have to see (off the top of my head, Jason Grote's Walmart play, James Comtois' show, The Most Wonderful Love, Gary Winter play, Hunka play coming up and I'm sorry if I'm forgetting someone. Plays at EST? The Production Company has a bunch of shorts. Did I miss those?) I'm in a fog still.
Jun 15, 2006
Jun 14, 2006
Food for Fish is loosely inspired by Chekhov's Three Sisters. In the play, "young Bobbie drops pages from his novel into the Hudson River. The pages tell a story of three sisters: a stalker, an agoraphobe and a scientist with a secret plan to isolate and eliminate the gene for love. It is set in a world where men became women and women became men. But how far do you have to bend a gender before it breaks?"
...A current Juilliard Lila Acheson Wallace Fellow, his romantic comedy Nerve recently premiered at the 14th Street Y (where it plays through July 1) and his play Pretty Theft premieres July 22 at the first Annual Capitol City Fringe in Washington DC.
Jun 13, 2006
Jun 12, 2006
Charge Them With a Crime or Let Them Go
Lawyers for the detainees, human rights groups and legal associations have increasingly questioned whether many of the prisoners can even rightfully be called terrorists. They note that only 10 of the roughly 465 men held at Guantánamo have been charged before military tribunals, and that recently released documents indicate that many have never been accused even in administrative proceedings of belonging to Al Qaeda or attacking the United States.
Advocates for the detainees said they believed the suicides resulted from the deep despair felt by inmates who are being held indefinitely
Jun 9, 2006
Jun 8, 2006
Nerve today until July 1
Jun 7, 2006
A play for the subscribers
Eduardo (see post below) encouraged us to write what we were afraid of-- he encouraged us to go someplace scary and to not worry about what our family or friends or lovers would say but to write the individual perhaps strange things that make us unique and to tell the stories that come from us. And sometimes this was successful and sometimes not but I think we were encouraged to write in the realm of dangerous--in other words write the kinds of plays that are not being produced off broadway these days.
And I want to hold onto this but I want to have a play off broadway too. How do we write true and not dampen too much the weirdness about ourselves and still succeed in this theatrical world? It's something I'm wrestling with.
Because I think the audience should be challenged. But does my work even do that? Should it? Is that the way I should be writing and if so how do I go about that? Or am I already writing that way? It's hard to tell from the inside.
I wrote a play called Open Minds that I thought was political and fierce but I couldn't get anyone to do it although it was a finalist in a couple of contests. Was it not a good enough play or did I not send it to the right places or was it in fact too dangerous?
I need to write another dangerous play now. The time has come. I'm too angry at Bush, at where the country is going, too afraid for the future. And then after I'll go back to writing the other kinds of plays I write, about love and relationships and gender roles.
Of course is this really a dangerous play I have in mind? What is it? A political satire/allegory. Will that help at all? Will that change anything or even make me feel better? Does it need to be out there? I want to write the play that needs to be out there.
Go Eduardo!!
Jun 6, 2006
in chicago/Brown Couch Theatre
That's right! It's time for BCTC's 4th annual ten-minute play festival! BUY TICKETS NOW! This year's theme is mating rituals...
We have ten great plays and 21 really talented (and hot!) actors.'s something for everyone, every ten minutes. We hope to see you there!
The Mating Game @ the Viaduct Theatre 3111 N. Western Ave. Friday, June 9th - Saturday, June 24th
Performances are Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30pm Sundays at 3:00pm
Call 312.409.2010 to make reservations or BUY TICKETS ONLINE!
$15 on Fridays and Saturdays $12 on Thursdays and Sundays
For more info, or to see slide shows from our previous festivals, please visit our website.
Hey! Check out all these people involved with the show! That's a lot. You probably know at least one of them...
Jenn Adams � Torey Adkins � Shea Bredenkamp � Alex Broun � Kate Cares � Kyle Cobb � John C. Davenport � Robert Dennison � Heather Durham � Trey Edge � Marc Friedman � Colette Friedman � Kendall Gray � Andy Grigg � Charles Hall � Jennifer Hawk � Marcus Kamie � Dan Kennedy � Peter Kersten � Anne Korajczyk � Morgan Leavitt � Eric Lee � Kyra Lewandowski � E. M. Lewis � Kate McDermott � Dane Mehringer � Lydia Milman � Firestone Mulvaney � Frank Murphy � Beth Novick � John Oster � Mark Pracht � Lisa Joy Raffety � Sara Ritz � Denise Santomauro � Adam Szymkowicz � Pam Tierney � Bryan White � Carol White
from voice article,nelson,73375,20.html
If Linklater leaves the big questions of his movies to their audiences, how does he think they'll respond when Scanner opens in July and Fast Food in the fall? "You can never prove or predict the cause and effect of anything, whatever its purpose," he says. "When The Jungle was published a hundred years ago, they enacted the FDA. But in today's world, we're more likely to see legislation enacted to prevent us from criticizing the way things are. In Texas, it's against the law to criticize an agricultural producteven though this [fast food] industry is potentially harming us. I guess Fast Food Nation would be immune to this law for being 'fiction.' Or would it? Kind of interesting, isn't it? I mean, can Fox Searchlight enact legislation to prevent you from writing a bad review of my movie?"
Jun 5, 2006
An Inconvenient Truth
You need to see this film. I was a little dissapointed that the message was linked with Gore so much but it's an important film all the same.
Global warming is a real thing and when politicians pretend it isn't they are guilty of causing what could be a huge catastrophe very soon.
Here's what you can do.
sign a petition
Become active
Help in small ways with large impact daily
Jun 3, 2006
Musicals i would like to see
The Wasteland ( think of how successful Cats was) Catcher in the Rye, the Musical Long Day's Journey into Night, the long musical The Lord of the Rings X-Men The Sound and the Fury Glengarry Glenross Farenheit 9/11
Jun 2, 2006
Bush for Impeachment
overheard on subway platform
Girl in long skirt, large brimmed black hat overburdened with bags. sits down on the bench, takes out her cell phone.
--Hi, Mom,. i'm going to make this quick because i'm going to lose reception. Eric is alive. He's at ______ Memorial Hospital. OK. Bye.
Jun 1, 2006
I had a great time at the clubbed thumb event last night and met lots of great people and talked to lots of great people I already knew and yet somehow didn't get to meet MattJ. Another time I hope.
But I thought my show went really well and was impressed with those shows I was able to see, many which I was unable to find on the program before rushing off to the next show so I have no idea what I even saw and didn't see for the most part. But damn was it cool.
I love clubbed thumb. And all of you.
May 31, 2006
Please come to see nerve the first week if you can june 8-11. Did I mention a free beer with every ticket?
May 30, 2006
Fwd: If you were in the street on fire, I'd put you out with gasoline
I got this email today from a company selling viagra etc. I find it completely insane. Look at the subject of the email. Sounds like a death threat, doesn't it? there's a play in here somewhere, I swear.
Fwd: If you were in the street on fire, I'd put you out with gasoline
---- only just married, could not decline the gift. His mother, whohad her own separate property, had allowed Alexey every yeartwenty thousand in addition to the twenty-five thousand he hadreserved, and Alexey had spent it all. Of late his mother,incensed with him on account of his love affair and his leavingMoscow, had given up sending him the money. And in consequenceof this, Vronsky, who had been in the habit of living on thescale of forty-five thousand a year, having only received twentythousand that year, found himself now in difficulties. To getout of these difficulties, he could not apply to his mother formoney. Her last letter, which he had received the day before,had particularly exasperated him by the hints in it that she wasquite ready to help him to succeed in the world and in the army,but not to lead a life which was a scandal to all good society.His mother's attempt to buy him stung him to the quick and madehim feel colder than ever to her. But he could not draw backfrom the generous word when it was once uttered, even though hefelt now, vaguely foreseeing certain eventualities in hisintrigue with Madame Karenina, that this generous word had beenspoken thoughtlessly, and that even though he were not married hemight need all the hundred thousand of income. But it wasimpossible to draw back. He had only to recall his brother'swife, to remember how that sweet, delightful Varya sought, atevery convenient opportunity, to remind him that she rememberedhis generosity and appreciated it, to grasp the impossibility oftaking back his gift. It was as impossible as beating a woman,stealing, or lying. One thing only could and ought to be done,and Vronsky determined upon it without an instant's hesitation:
May 24, 2006
Don't miss this wed 5/31at Clubbed Thumb
Take 5 Wednesday, May 31
We ring in the festival on Wednesday, May 31st at 8pm with TAKE 5, featuring 16 five-minute playlets based on the last half-decade. These past five years have included more change than most, but in the shadow of all the Time Magazine-sized events are equally interesting stories, from the papers as well as from our own lives. People lose all their hair, paper fortunes are lost, waves of diet programs sweep the nation, seemingly ubiquitous celebrities disappear from view, extreme weather cycles shift. Come to the Ohio by 8pm on the 31st for this special (and we mean that in a slightly mysterious way) presentation, and help us usher in our 11th festival of new work.
Featuring the works of David Adjmi, Scott Adkins, Deron Bos, Andy Bragen, Kirsten Greenidge, Jason Grote, Kristin Kosmas, Julie Marie Myatt, Kristen Palmer, Molly Rice, Sonya Sobieski, Adam Szymkowicz, Alison Tatlock, Chris Wells, Gary Winter, and Anna Ziegler.
Direction by Scott Adkins, Sarah Benson, Sam Buggeln, Mallory Catlett, Shana Gold, Maria Goyanes, Josh Hecht, Kristin Kosmas, Brooke O'Harra, Katie Pearl, Mike Shapiro, Sarah Sunde, Chris Wells, and Paul Willis.
May 23, 2006
from playbill
Susan O'Connor Stars in Nerve World Premiere in NYC, June 8 By Ernio Hernandez 22 May 2006
Downtown favorite Susan Louise O'Connor stars in the world premiere of Adam Szymkowicz's Nerve to be presented June 8-July 1 at New York City's 14th Street Y.
Packawallop Productions teams with Hypothetical Theatre Company to present the new play which begins previews June 8 and opens June 12 at the 14th Street Y. Scott Ebersold directs the work which will run through July 1.
Susan Louise O'Connor appears with Travis York in the work billed as "dark romantic comedy about falling into a relationship on the first date," according to a release. "Elliot has never had an online date before... at least one that showed up. Susan has had plenty but would prefer not to discuss them. When they meet in a bar one night, all their neuroses come out. So do a puppet, some modern dance and surprising twist or two."
O'Connor has trod the boards of downtown Manhattan for a number of years, appearing in Daniel MacIvor's Never Swim Alone, See Bob Run and Marion Bridge, Julia Jordan's St. Scarlet, Brad Fraser's Snake in Fridge and Alejandro Morales' The Silent Concerto (which is slated to return in July with O'Connor and director Ebersold).
The design team for Nerve includes Nicholas Vaughn (set), Jessica Watters (costumes), Josh Bradford (lighting) and Brian Hallas (sound). Choreography is by Wendy Seyb and Caitlin Baird is stage manager.
For tickets to Nerve at the 14th Street Y, 344 East 14 St. (between First and Second Ave.), call (212) 868-4444. For more information, visit
May 22, 2006
Just went to the pulitzer prizes where of course no one won for drama. I ate the free fish, got a little tipsy and then headed back here to my desk to work.
I think it's good to remember that all our heroes and super duper prize winners are just humans who sit in a room and eat their fish and drink their wine and then the award ceremony is over and they go home.
Perhaps they have their small role in changing the world (or not) but then they go home to their husbands or their cats.
Please note in the posting below the award I won this weekend. I am also only human.
May 21, 2006
May 19, 2006
overheard on the street
-They're trying to get kids off Myspace.
-Yeah. There have actually been murders.